Hey !

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Hey, so i'm your author, H.
I recently got into this band and i'm hella excited to start writing sickfics about them. Why particularly sickfics you may wonder ? Well i like reading them so, I thought, why not start writing my own too !
I can write within any context, situation, ships, scenarios etc, except smut because that's just too out of my league.
I would love to talk as well, so you can always hit me up in private messages if you need or want to.
To send in a request, you can either comment on this chapter, or send a private message, but it should preferably include

• Name
• Illness/ sickness / disease
• a little bit of scenario for me to work around.
• what pov you want it in ( 1st person, 3rd person) { optional }
Other than these requirements, feel free to send more details if you desire and i will try my level best to write a oneshot, or longer for it.

Disclaimer: I don't like my work infringed or copied in anyway so please don't do that.
Moreover, I do not own the cover page for this book and owe full credits to the owner
I do not own the wdw boys, and all stories in this book, additional characters and scenarios are purely a work of fiction and are made up. I do not claim it to be affiliated with any person or circumstance and if it is similar, it is either due to it having happened to the boys irl, or entirely coincidental.
Enjoy !
~ H

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