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As my breath eases I try to move. Liam holds me still, hugging my naked body tightly against his chest. A smile flushes on my cheeks and I can still feel rush of my climax after the amazing makeup sex we just had. So I relax in his embrace and feel his heartbeat.

This is fine at last. He's back in my life, and hopefully he'll stay.

"Am I forgiven?" I suddenly hear a gentle voice whispering near my ear. I smile mutely. "I need us to be okay, Kira. I need you in my life and I'm more than sure this time."

Me, too. But I don't respond.

"How is your friend? You told me it's one of the reasons why you left in such a hurry," I ask him calmly.

"Thankfully the accident wasn't too serious, or else it would be worse. It's nothing for you to worry about, because I left her in safe hands," Liam replies.

My eyes squint instantly at the mention of 'her'.

"It was a woman?" I feel like I'm pushed into a ravine as I learn about this.

"Yes." Liam's body stiffens as if I've turned into a scary thing. "But before you jump into any—"

"Should I be worried?" I ask as fast as I can while launching out of his arms. Gathering the blanket, I use it on my body and sit up. "She must be very important for you to leave in such a hurry, huh?" My heart pounds out of range, a tiny malignant fear biting my confidence.

Liam sighs and runs a hand over his face. "Please, Kira, don't feed your head with non-existent ideas. I had an urgent business to attend to in New York and that's why I left as fast as I could. If you remember correctly, I heard about the accident the morning of that day. If I had any plans to—"

"She's just a friend, right?" I interrupt.

God, don't make me sound like a crazily jealous chick even if I am.

Liam laughs gently, ignoring my puffed cheeks. "My love. I hardly have lady friends so it's a bit tricky to answer your question. But yes, that is correct. She is someone I've known for a long time even though I can't clearly lay down the nature of our relationship at the moment. The only thing I can assure you is that you're the only woman in my life. Whatever you're trying to create in your head, I wish you'd stop trying. Come here." He grips my arm and pulls me back to him.

I fall straight to his side.

"So she's just a girl you once knew?" I ask him in a childish tone, a smile lingering on my face.

"Yes. That's about right, Kira."

"Okay." I run my fingers over his chest, playing with the ridges of his hard muscles. "And I got nothing to worry about, right?"

"Right. Except that . . ." Liam mutters in a suspenseful manner.

"What?" I urge.

She's not his ex or something, is she? He's not gonna say that, is he?

His smile broadens as he says, "I'm starving, Ms. Jones. Do you have anything to eat?"

My emotions shift and laughter leaves my chest. God, he's cute. I sigh heavily while crossing my legs over his knees, hugging him tighter.

"I haven't cooked anything. But if you want we can leave the bed and make dinner together," I say lazily, teasing him. His chest muscles tighten as he laughs quietly. "I promise I'll give you simple tasks so don't be afraid, Mr. Darcy."

"Hmm." He sounds amused as he hums. My joy multiplies. "Okay. Let us do that together. What are you going to cook?"

"Um . . . how about some Mac and Cheese?"

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