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My blood flowed with excitement as every nerve in my body was ignited by the loud thumping of the music coming from my favorite frat house at NYU. No, I wasn't in college at NYU but I loved to crash their parties. My little private art school that my parents sent me to die of boredom at had no relatively interesting people there. They wouldn't know a good party even if they were standing in the middle of one. The students there were all way too serious and trying to be the next Pablo Picasso or Beethoven. I wanted to be neither or anywhere in between. I didn't exactly know, to be honest.

The only place I really knew I wanted to be was at this party.

I checked my makeup one last time in my car window, ran my hands down my black dress, and turned to head straight inside.

The frat boys here knew me by name and well, by other things too if you catch my drift. I wouldn't go as far as calling myself a whore; I just like to have fun. Sometimes fun consisted of a bit of naughty activities. I didn't have a boyfriend nor did I ever want one. Relationships were overrated in this day and age. The normal thing to do in our society was to sleep around, have fun, and never 'catch feelings'. And I never did. You could call it damaged but I call it being smart. The last thing I wanted was for some self proclaimed knight in shining armor to come around and give me the world only to crush it later on.

I said hi to a couple of familiar faces as I went into the kitchen to grab a drink. I hated beer and I hated wine. I prefer hard liquor. I blame my father for never keeping around the light shit. I often raided his liquor cabinet when I was younger so I grew to like the harder stuff over the years. I had one of the boys pour me a jack and coke. I took my cup along with his number and decided to scope out the place. It was the beginning of a new school year so there was bound to be some poor freshman boy to wonder in.

I leaned against a wall in the living room as I watched drunken bodies dance around. I spotted out my best friend, Henry, in the crowd dancing with a few girls. Henry wasn't interested in girls. He had tried dating girls when he was in high school but no one spiked his interest more than the high school baseball captain, Denton Young. They dated for a year secretly, but of course I knew. Then when college came around, Denton broke it off with Henry. It devastated Henry for the longest time. Yet another reason why I thought love was a fucked up invention created by lonely people who got off by hurting people with it. It's been a year since Henry's heartbreak and he's finally starting to come around and have more fun.

I watched as girls threw themselves at him in the crowd. Though he was gay, he did get a kick out of his ability to attract girls. He was wicked good looking and charming. And he didn't have that annoying high gay voice like most guys these days. He was normal and he was a great best friend. He caught my eye and blew me a kiss before redirecting his attention to the girls. I continued to watch for a minute before taking a long sip of my drink.

"I wouldn't go for it." an unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turned around quickly but there was no one behind me. Was I hearing things? I wasn't even close to drunk yet.

"Right here." the voice said again, this time beside me and making me jump. I heard a chuckle and turned too look at who this person was.

My god.

The first thing I saw was breathtaking golden brown eyes. I couldn't see anything past them until he spoke.

"I know I'm pretty but it's not polite to stare, love."

My cheeks heated up and I turned my attention away from him quickly. I shook my head at myself, scolding myself internally for staring at him like that. I looked back at him and he was staring at me intensely but smiled.

I took in his looks fully this time. Noticing his short but perfectly styled hair, his five o'clock shadow, his thin pink lips, and his flawless facial structure. He was hands down the most attractive guy I've ever seen.

"Like i said," he spoke again, "I wouldn't go for that guy you've been watching." he nodded back to the crowd of dancing people. I was amused because I quickly realized he was talking about Henry. I could tell him I wasn't and that he was my gay best friend but I decided to let him continue and save the embarrassment for last.

"And why is that?" I asked, hiding my amusement.

"Well, I'm new to this scene but I definitely can tell that he's not your type." He said confidently and smiled again.

I arched one of my brows and smirked.

"Oh yeah? Then tell me mr. new guy, what's my type?" I asked getting a kick out of this stranger.

"Well you look like the type of girl who doesn't go for the gay kid in denial dancing with all the girls."

"What makes you think he's gay?" I countered, enjoying this exchange too much.

"The way he dances. It's pretty clear to see." He said, looking at Henry then back to me. "You should go for the mystery type that wants to take you out for coffee at midnight"

I shook my head and laughed at him. My laughter caused his face to contort into confusion. He was smooth but not that smooth.

"I don't do coffee. Or dates. Or mystery men."

"Then how about I take you back to my place?" Now he was speaking my language. "We can talk, watch a movie, and maybe I'll kiss you when I take you back home." He said confidently again. Shit.

"Sorry stranger. I don't do that either." I pushed myself off the wall and gulped down the rest of my drink before standing completely in front of him. "If you want to fuck, lets fuck. But I don't do romantic cute cuddly shit. Pick a different girl for that, pal." I pushed my empty cup in his hand before walking off.


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