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I woke up the next morning with hardly a hangover. My tiny apartment was silent and dim, signaling it must be gloomy and dark out. I got out of bed and went toward the window to check and sure enough there was a light drizzle coming down outside. The sky looked a lot scarier then the weather actually was. I decided right then that I would not be going to class today. I laid back down, grabbed my phone, and sent a quick text to Henry.

To: Queen Henry
Skipping classes, you in?

I hadn't even set my phone down for more than thirty seconds before I got a reply.

From: Queen Henry
I never fucking thought you'd ask!!

I giggled to myself.

To: Queen Henry
Get your ass here now. I need some body warmth in this bed.

I locked my phone and set it back down, ignoring Henry's reply. I got comfortable under my blanket and within minutes I was out like a light.


"Damn. You're really an unattractive sleeper Kels."

I rubbed my eyes, stretching out a bit, and looked at none other than my best friend. He was under the blankets with me, on his side, using his arm to prop up his head so he was looking down at me. I shot him a frown before turning my head into my pillow and groaning.

"I should've never given you a key to my apartment." I groaned, my voice still raspy, coated with sleep.

"Better me seeing you like this then that hot guy you banged last night." he said with amusement.

I on the other hand was not amused. I was utterly confused.

"What?" I turned to look at Henry, sitting up on my elbows. "I didn't sleep with anyone. I literally left thirty minutes after getting there."

Henry had a puzzled look on his face that most likely matched mine.

"Hmph. I could've sworn you left with Zayn." he said, his voice matching his facial expression.

Now I'm really confused.

"Who the fuck is Zayn?"

"The new kid from the UK or some shit like that. I saw you talking to him last night so I guess I automatically assumed you sunk your she-devil teeth into him and ruined him for the rest of the female species."

I rolled my eyes at his smart ass comment and fell back onto my pillows.

"Geez. Tell me how you really feel about me." I rubbed my hand over my face before looking back at Henry. He was looking down at me, waiting for an actual response I suppose. "No. I didn't sleep with Zach-"

"Zayn." Henry corrected.

Rolling my eyes, I continued. "Right. Anyways I didn't sleep with him. He wanted to take me on a date. He didn't give off the fuck buddy vibe. So after talking to him, I left and came back home." I explained.

"Wow. A night where Kelsey McAllen went out and didn't sleep with a guy. that's a very rare thing." I rolled my eyes before taking the pillow from behind my head and smacking my asshole best friend; which then led to a pillow fight.

I came out the victor.


It was already 3pm and Henry and I had hardly done a thing. He made me breakfast and we drank coffee while we watched old Grey's Anatomy episodes. Henry was currently out getting us a late lunch from our favorite sandwich shop that was just around the corner from my apartment complex. I took this free time to go and take a shower. I was almost positive I wouldn't be leaving my apartment so it's not like anyone would see or smell me but I tend to take multiple showers when I'm bored. I couldn't tell you why, but I enjoyed showers way more than most people. I didn't rewash my hair every time, though I was always on my shaving game. I just liked the relaxing feeling of scolding hot water on my skin. I'd say it was my strange addiction that only Henry would ever be aware of.

After the water went cold, I shut it off and stepped out to dry off. Since it was only Henry and I slumming it around my apartment I didn't bother to put anything on but a pair of black lace panties and I covered myself in a big fluffy red robe. I wrapped a towel around my hair and removed last nights makeup before stepping out and seeing if Henry was back. I walked into the kitchen were I heard the sounds of brown paper bags being dug into.

"Well it's about damn ti-"

I froze.

Standing in my kitchen was not only Henry but Zayn was also with him, unwrapping a sandwich. My cheeks heated up as I realized what I was wearing and most importantly what I wasn't.

"Hi beautiful." Zayn said cheerfully and I thought I was going to explode.

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