Be True To Your Preschool

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So, here we are: the first episode to write Ellen into. I'm really excited, I'm also slightly overwhelmed, but I'm just throwing it all out there. I'm gonna stop rambling so you can enjoy the episode. ENJOY! This is for you, cafe80s.


Ellen walked in through the back door. "Hey, Alex," she greeted.

"Hey, Ellen," Alex walked over to her and kissed her cheek. He turned back to his parents. "Looks great, but the junior class is having a welcome back breakfast."

"How about you, Jen?" Steven asked. "What's it going to be? Eggs? Pancakes?"

"I ate already, Dad," Jennifer said. "I've been up for three hours."

"I see," Steven said, sounding disappointed.

Mallory walked into the kitchen.

"Mallory, how about some pancakes?" Steven suggested.

"Please, Dad. If I even look at food today, I'm gonna be sick," Mallory said.

"This worked out nicely," Steven said to himself.

"I'll take a pancake, Mr. Keaton," Ellen said.

Steven smiled, holding out the platter for her. "See? You picked a good one, Alex. Someone who actually appreciates my cooking."

"Jennifer, Andy's ready for you," Mallory told Jennifer. "He just needs his hair brushed."

"Isn't that cute?" Jennifer mused as she left the room. "His first day of preschool."

"Yeah. Mallory, uh, you sure you don't want some breakfast?" Steven asked.

"No, Dad," Mallory answered. "It's my first day of college. I'm very nervous."

"Mal, you got nothing to worry about," Alex said. "I mean, it's not like you're going to a real college."

Ellen rolled her eyes. "You know, that was almost reassuring. I'm gonna say, 'Good job, honey.'"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Mallory asked.

Ellen sighed, knowing where this was heading.

"Oh, come on. How can you get nervous about going to a college that advertises in Hot Rod magazine?" Alex asked.

"That's not true, Alex," Mallory said.

"Oh, come on, Mal. I saw the ad," Alex said. "'Grant College introductory offer, buy one semester, get the rest free.' Then there's that radio spot: 'At Grant College, we have a modern library, fully qualified professors, and thick, juicy steaks cooked just the way you like them.'"

"Alex, I'm sorry, but I've gotta take your sister's side," Ellen said. "Sure, their way of reaching out to potential students is not very traditional, but Grant College is a very fine school."

"Yeah," Mallory argued. "It's very hard to get in."

Just then, Skippy walked in through the back door. "Hello, fellow Grant College freshman!" he greeted excitedly.

"Okay, I take it back, I agree with Alex," Ellen walked back her previous statement.

"Yeah, looks like it's even harder to stay out," Alex quipped.

"Skip, how about some breakfast on your first day at Grant College?" Steven suggested.

"No, thank you, Mr. Keaton," Skippy declined. "I'm saving my appetite for those thick, juicy steaks."

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