Chapter 40

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Several hours later,
Nearest hospital...

Third Person's POV

"Wake up, you sleepy bun. It is time for you to rise."

Izuku's viridian eyes flew open when she felt someone flicking her forehead. She shot up on the bed, breathings ragged from the surprise she received.

'What...? What happens actually...? Where am I right now...?' The curious female greenette looked around the white room that reeked of smell of medications. She scrunched her nose, feeling uncomfortable with the unpleasent scent.

All of a sudden, memories from earlier flooded her mind like a wave of ocean. Her head began throbbing achingly, accompanied by a hiss of pain. "Yeah... Just now..." She murmured, and a rush of realization hit her.


Izuku hastily got off the bed, putting on the slippers to leave the room. But when the young woman opened a step, she tripped on her foot and fell forward.


"Midoriya- Woah—"

Fortunately, Mirio appeared at the perfect timing. He swiftly caught Izuku in his strong arms, scooping her body in. Dark blushes creeped up to her cheeks. The hero smiled widely at her.

"Are you okay?" Mirio asked, voice cheerful and gentle. He carried Izuku back to her bed, setting her in the soft mattress. She relaxed herself on the bed, trying to get used to his presence in the ward room.

"... I'm fine. Just feel a little dizzy, that is all." Izuku answered, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "Um... Can I ask? What happen just now? Looks like my memories from earlier is quite... Blurry. How are Eri and the others doing too?" She held her head again, face darkened with confusion.

In shock, Mirio accidentally let out a loud gasp. "You don't remember? For real?!" He asked half-scream. Izuku mustered an awkward smile while scratching her cheek.

Mirio suddenly recalled what that female doctor told him about Izuku's Quirk. He stared at the confused girl tilting her head, waiting for his answer. The goldenette gulped down his saliva.

"Just tell her the necessary things. Don't mention about her power."

"Well, after you told me to protect Eri-chan and the yakuzas, you acted on your own. And when I went back to you, you already passed out beside Chisaki. He was unconscious too. So the mission came to an end." Mirio opened his arms wide as he grinned big at the girl she saved earlier.

Hearing his story, her irises glimmered with relief. Tears began flooding her eyes, causing the male to panic. "Mi-Midoriya, what is wrong—"

".... I'm glad.... Everyone... Is fine..." She sobbed in happiness, wiping away the crystal liquid streaking her cheeks. "W-what about the other yakuzas...? The Eight Bullets, and minor yakuzas..."

Her next question made Mirio sweated in nervousness. His smile died down, and Izuku got a rough idea of what had occured to them.


"... Midoriya, from what I heard, you really treasured the yakuzas, right? But... I'm sorry, Midoriya. They are going to prison—"

But before he could finish his sentence, Izuku gripped the collar of her shirt. Tears aggressively streamed down her face, her eyebrows furrowed in sadness.

"N-no, please! I beg you, please release them!" Izuku screamed hysterically at Mirio, tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes.

".... We can't do that, Midoriya. I'm sorry."

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