I know this suckes.

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Again I know this suckes but it will be ok it think. Ok so you know thous moments where your friend dates you to do something stupid well yea and that is how this began.
I was playing truth or dare on Snapchat with one of my friends from church, so she dared my to tell my crush I like him so I did on Snapchat. I know you are thinking you idiot why? Well I do not know I just did. Well when I showed her that I told him she was like you still like him in all caps, because she dated his cousin and he was a dead man after that his cousin not him. Well I said yea, sorry. But she was like it is ok but if you marry him and have kids I am not watching the little demon sponons. I almost die when she text that. Ok so my arm hurts so I will continue this later maybe.

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