t w e l v e

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I couldn't move. My body was in front of my luggage with my back to the door. I know his voice; I always know his voice. It's sweet and haunting, and currently, at this moment, terrifying. I had been getting so lost in my own thoughts about what the hell I was going to do about this whole situation, I didn't think to turn to check who entered my room first?! 

Good one, dumbass. I couldn't figure out how to turn myself around to face him, but I had to make this as nonchalant as possible. So, I slowly turned my body to the already too familiar figure behind me.

"Oh hi, Jimin. I didn't know it was—"

"Why are you avoiding me, Tina?" He walked further into my room and shut my door behind him. 

Gulp. I'm not prepared for this.

"I'm not avoiding you!" I laughed, "You have no reason to think that. I'm just trying to get my stuff packed before tomorrow." 

He lifted a single eyebrow toward me in disbelief.

"Bullshit. You've been in here for hours 'packing', you wouldn't let me in the car with you at the salon, and now you won't come out and have dinner with everyone because you 'won't come and see him'." He spat.

At this point, he was using his chubby little fingers to put up air quotes. If not for the severity of his tone, I would've died laughing. 

"Did I do something to you? Are you that mad because of the Nari thing because I was just joking around with you, and you were so far up Jungkook's ass..."

He was rambling. I watched his beautiful mouth move as all the words spilled out. In this moment, I saw the sweet young man I knew since I was 17. He was so nervous that he had upset me. He was scared that he was driving me over the edge. He was scared that I'd...leave him

As irritated and dominating as he tried to look, he currently could only portray himself as a terrified child. And I could only smile. This was my boy; this was my Jimin. This was the boy I was so obsessed with. I would've turned this entire world on its axel for him.

"Are you ok? What the hell are you smiling at?" He nervously blurted out.

Had he not spoken, I would have just stood there smiling at him. There's something about this moment, no matter how newly blonde he is, how adorable his makeup is; the only thing I could see was my best friend. 

I didn't care about anything else right now, but the perfect boy in front of me. Not Yoongi, not Taehyung, not whoever else could get in the way; the only thing that mattered, was Jimin. 

However, his adorable face was scrunching into a very confused look as if he was talking to a psycho serial killer.

"—What?" I blinked myself back to reality as quickly as I could.

"What are you staring at!? Do you not hear me talking to you?"

 I placed a hand on my forehead as I could barely control my laughter at how creepy I surely looked.

"Do you want some wine?" I giggled, "You can help me finish packing."

With that, a big smile formed on that gorgeous face of his and he ran out of my room, presumably to the kitchen. After clunking around out there, he returned quietly with an opened bottle of wine and two glasses. 

I guess everyone else finally went upstairs which made sense considering that I didn't think Yoongi would let Jimin come to my room. He poured some wine and handed me a glass as he sat down next to me and my luggage.

Disruption • P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now