t h i r t y f i v e

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Tina P.O.V.

I laid there for what felt like no time at all. I watched the man sleeping in front of me for as long as time would allow, but it would never suffice. 

I wanted to lay here with him forever, although Yoongi's second day of shooting would commence in just a few hours, so I had to get back to the dorm and ready myself.

When I had initially moved out of his grasp, I saw him begin to shuffle as his arms flailed. 

He's looking for me. 

Thankfully the time still read 5:21 AM and it was too early for his shuffling to fully awaken him. I put a pillow in front of him and tried to lull him back to whatever dreamland he was mentally occupying. 

Jimin grasped the pillow and held it tight, laying his head on top of it before he relaxed again.

I watched his breathing relax through the heaving of his back. His skin was like porcelain in the rising sunshine, with rosy hints in his slightly swollen cheeks. His lips were puffy and slightly parted while his blonde locks were completely disheveled, strands pointing in every direction.

Even in such a deep sleep, Jimin was a glorious mess. 

In this moment, I found myself more appreciative than ever of his overwhelming splendor. He looked so tranquil that I found myself willing to offer anything, including my organs and soul, to have him remain this state. 

I hope you always stay this relaxed and happy.

I contemplated taking a shower while I was still there but ultimately decided against it. The possibility of Jimin waking from this peaceful slumber was a risk I wasn't willing to take. I felt equally terrible about leaving him without saying anything. 

The idea popped into my head when I was picking up my underwear from the floor and I was ecstatic.

Jimin didn't have anything scheduled for today besides dance practice at noon, so I probably wouldn't see him until later on in the evening. I couldn't predict when Yoongi's shoot would be over, but I did have Jimin's set schedule down. 

With my plan in my mind, I went on a hunt for my phone. I made my way downstairs, timidly picking up each article of clothing through the hallway. My flushed giggles quickly turned to a solemn silence as I recalled the stress that was hidden behind last night's events.

Maybe he'll let it go if I give him no reason to doubt me.

I erased the worry from my mind when I found my purse in the living room and dug for my phone. I felt terrible for texting Jihyun to come to pick me up so early, but he told me not to worry about it. It's not like I could risk a regular taxi to take me back to the dorm in nothing, but a hoodie.

Then, I opened my App Store. While America had DoorDash, Korea had Shuttle. 

I scheduled two separate deliveries, one for a caramel macchiato to be delivered here at 10:00 AM, and one for kimchi stew to be delivered to BigHit at 2:00 PM. 

Extra kimchi I typed into the requests, as I giggled at the thought of seeing Jimin even slightly smile over this.

Surprising him was one of my favorite things to do when we were younger. I relished the dumbfounded look on his angelic face when he received something he wasn't expecting from me. 

His experiences with surprises prior to our meeting mainly consisted of shoulder checks, books being knocked out of his hand, and sometimes even people snickering at him. I did my best back then to change how he viewed surprises. 

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