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"ABC, easy as 123, simple as doe rae me, ABC, 123, doe rae me!" My filth of a brother shouted while bouncing on my memory foam bed.

"You have 5 seconds, before I murder you..." I spat menacingly.
My little brother squealed, and fled down the stairs into what I hope was the kitchen, so I have weapons.

I was hot on his tail, so burning hot that I saw him dive behind the counter in the kitchen.

"Oh I wish I knew where Chase was. I just wanna hug him until her turns blue!" I sang dreamily.

"Boo!" I whispered in his ear from behind. You know, I thought I heard the most high-pitched sound from a human when I saw my baby cousin get her flu-shot. Boy was I wrong... Chase topped that.

"I hate you!" He screamed with his hand over his heart.

"Awe! I love you too Chasie!" I cooed while pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah yeah. now make me waffles!"

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