Chapter 24: {epilogue}

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C a l u m

Lukes funeral was that Saturday. Everyone was there. I mean even people who liked our band before we stopped making music. They all gave me the most sympathy though. They knew he meant the world to me. Im pretty sure everyone knew that.

Ashton and Michael went up to give speeches. I didnt because i knew as soon as i got up there and looked at Liz with tears in her eyes and everyone staring at me i would break down.

Ashton tried to make people laugh and smile just because he was that type of person. It seemed to work on all of them except me. I just couldnt get over the fa- Wait correction i CANT get over the fact that my Lukey is gone.

After the funeral they had the after party type thingy and i didnt go. I didnt want to sit around watching people be happy and smile at each other while having conversations about Luke just died like really..?

I couldnt help but think about everything me and Luke went through together. We stayed strong through the toughest situations.

Tomorrow would have been our 4 years of being together. My eyes start watering just at the thought that now i cant share it with him and before i knew it i was sobbing.

I ended up crying myself to sleep that night. Not bothering to eat or anything.

The next day i didnt even bother doing anything.

I just sat around all day staring at the wall and ignoring texts and calls from everyone.

At one point i did decide to get up. I didnt know where i was going but i just left the house and started walking.

Before i knew it i was standing right in front of Lukes grave stone.

I look at it for a long time before getting down on my knees and looking at it for the longest time.

Then all i did was cry. I sat there and cried for what felt like days but was only hours.

At some point i looked up at the gravestone and i smiled to myself a little.

"I miss you Lukey. Sweet dreams. I will see you soon. Happy 4 years baby." I say before getting up and kissing his gravestone and walking back home.


It had been months since Lukes death and i wasnt getting any better. I would always cry myself to sleep or have nightmares every night and it just sucks.

Ive been mute since the day after our 4year anniversary.

Ashton and Michael have tried to help me. Even now live with me but nothing works.

Its not the same.

I just dont want to deal with it anymore. I want Luke back in my arms. I want to hear his laugh. See him smile.

It bought tears to my eyes thinking like this but then i made my decision.

I grab a piece of paper and start writing. Tears falling on the paper.

'To Ashton and Mikey

Remember when we were little and we would always play at the play ground and pretend to be super heros. Remember the time when we set the goal  to be professional musicians. Remember when our dream came true.

Yeah i remember too. I want to thank you for some of the best years of my life. I wouldnt have been anywhere without you guys. You were aways there for me when i needed you and i just really love you guys.

But its my time to leave. I cant do it anymore. Its not the same without Luke and you know that.

Tell my family and Liz that i love them okay?

I love you guys.

-Cal x '


I smiled at the letter and layed it across my bed. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the rope and some pills.

I went back to my room and left the door slightly cracked before tying the rope to the ceiling fan and opening the bottle of pills. I smiled because this was finally it. I can see Luke again when this is all over. Before thinking anything else i chugged down all of the pills.

I started to get dizzy and i hurried to put the rope around my neck and stand on the chair.

I jumped of the chair and immediately started choking.

I started to feel myself drifting off and i smiled once more.

"this is it." i whispered out once more and then it all went black.



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