Chapter 7. Hitting one and kissing the other.

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*Louis POV*

You know when you're extremely happy and you feel like nothing can knock you off of cloud 9, well this, this slammed me off of cloud 9. It brought me crashing down to reality. I guess I shouldn't ask questions I don't want to know the answers to.

I could feel Harrys arms tighten around my waist and he pulled me upwards, so I was flush against his chest, cradling my head and whispering in my ear. My body started to shake uncontrollably as violent memories of Riley flashed through my mind. Harry began to rock me back and forth to try and calm me down, but it wasn't working. I didn't know I was crying until I could taste my tears.

'Hey, hey, Lou it's going to be okay. I will never let him touch you or get near you again.' Harry said to me as he eventually gathered me up in his arms, holding me bridle style.

'I'm taking him to his room.' Harry told the boys softly and started to walk but then stopped, turned back around to them, all the while I was still shaking in his arms and sobbing uncontrollably.

'If that arsehole shows up, call the police.' Harry added with a much harsher tone. He kicked my door open and closed it with his foot all in the same motion. He carefully balanced me on his chest and gripped me tighter with one arm as he pulled back my bed covers and laid me down. Once he had tucked me in he then turned and headed towards the door.

'Don't go.' I found myself quietly begging.

'I'm not. I'm just locking the door, love. There's nothing to worry about, I'm right here.' Harry replied with a gentile tone. He made his way back over to my bed and got underneath the covers joining me. He pulled me close against his body, I felt safe in his arms. His sent filling my nose, calming me slowly with every breath I took.

'It's okay Lou, I've got you now. I'm here with you.' Harry kept repeating out loud. He was keeping me fixed against his chest with his arms around me and one hand in my hair massaging my scalp. I was still sobbing wildly. Images of Riley's face haunting me and the phantom pain he both physically and emotionally caused me, hit me all at once as I let out a soul shaking screech. Harry clutched my body, turning my face to look at him. He held my gaze and spoke to me.

'Louis I need you to listen to me, can you do that for me love?' I could only blink the tears away and nod at him.

'He's never going to hurt you again. I swear to you.' Harry promised me, never once looking away from my eyes. He had tears in his own eyes, but they weren't out of fear like mine, they were out of worry.

'You don't need to be afraid of Riley anymore, you have, and always will, have me. I'll be here until you get annoyed at me and tell me to go.' He said and gave me a small smile.

'I'm not scared of what he would do to me.' I paused to take a breath; Harry was now rubbing my back to sooth me. 'I'm terrified - terrified of what he would do to - to you.' I managed to finally get out. Harrys eyes softened and then he kissed me on the forehead. It was true, I wasn't scared of what he would do to me anymore, I couldn't give two shits, but I was absolutely petrified of what he would do to Harry. I felt sick to think about it because if Riley could do what he did to me, someone he spent a long time with, god knows what he would do to Harry.

Harry continued to shower my face with tender and warm kisses until my sobs stopped. However, I was left with a broken sequence of hiccups which me and Harry found humorous after a while. Harry resulted in telling me dreadful jokes to take my mind off of the situation and it was working. I realised how goofy and funny Harry was but at the same time he was just so caring.

We had spent 25 minutes or so in each other's grasped just giggling at my hiccups, Harry rubbing my tear stained cheeks to rid me of the water when there was a series of loud knocking at the front door. I gasped and buried my face in Harrys chest as my brain automatically knew who it was. I could hear the boys outside the door shout at Riley, telling him to leave or they would call the police, but he didn't seem to budge.

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