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July 18th, 2159: 8:43 PM 

"I'm back!" Said Wyatt in a tired voice. He walks slowly over to a chair and plops down on it.

"What were you out doing today, you have been gone forever!" Summer replied desperately. Summer quickly walks over to the kitchen counter and grabs a potato peeler.

"Finally, I'm starving." Said Wyatt excitedly.

Summer laughed as she started to peel a potato "I'm making your favorite, marinated steak and potatoes!"

"I will go and set the table." Wyatt walked over to the kitchen and grabbed utensils for Summer and him and put them on the kitchen counter.

"Here, sit down Wyatt you look tired enough." Summer said while laughing

Wyatt walked over to the dining table and pulled up a chair.

"Ok, here is you plate." Said Summer. "I will go grab the steaks off the grill out back" She walked out the door and returned with a white platter covered with steak marinade and a few medium sized steaks on it.

"Ah this brings me back; it was my dad's favorite meal as well as mine." Said Wyatt. "I really miss them; my parents." Wyatt's expression started to turn sad and tears started to form in his eyes as he rubbed his hands through his thick, short, dirty blonde hair.

"I really miss mine too, but at least we have each other, you're my best friend Wyatt." Said Summer.

Wyatt's tears stopped and he grinned, "It has been what, 15 years since the big war ended?!" Said Wyatt. "That final contention, we both lost our parents."

"They died bravely, your dad, he saved Lut. Johnson, I don't think that we could have won the war without him, you parents did America a great service. Summer replied proudly.

"It's hard without them." Says Wyatt as he sighs "I know, we will never forget them, but let's share this good memory together." Says Summer. "Sounds great." Says Wyatt. "Let's eat!" Says summer with a big smile. They both picked up their utensils and scarfed up the food.

"This tasted amazing Summer!" Says Wyatt very enthusiastically, "These tasted so much like how my mom made it for me growing up! He finishes his food and takes it to the kitchen and dumps the plate and utensils in the sink.

"Are you finished with your food Summer?" Questioned Wyatt "If you are, I can grab your plate and utensils and wash it."

"Yes, I am done," replied Summer

Wyatt walked over and took her plate and utensils and took them to the sink and started washing them. He finished rinsing them and threw them in the dishwasher.

"Thank you so much Wyatt." Says Summer, "You must be exhausted!" "What time did you head out?"

Wyatt shrugged and replied, "I don't know, maybe 6:25-ish?"

"Ok that does it, get ready for bed, now!" Says Summer.

"But there is so much to do around the house like, putting away my gloves and gun, and I need to unload the meat and plants I found today while I was away." Replied Wyatt.

"No! Up to bed, I can pick up the house, unload our supplies, and put away your gun and gloves." Says Summer, "Here give me your gloves please, and where is your gun case?"

Wyatt gave her the gloves and says, "My gun and gun case is on the hand cart along with the supplies.

Summer accepted the gloves and said, "Thanks Wyatt."

"No thank you Summer, I really need some rest." Thanked Wyatt.

Wyatt walked up the stairs and into his bedroom and into the bathroom to  get ready for bed when he heard the door burst open and a gun shot. Summer screamed; Wyatt pounded through his bedroom door, rushing to see what happened. It was a Korean solder with a band on his arm reading, "The Silver Union"

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