Park Junhee|Cake|

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You and your Boyfriend are living in a apartment. A pretty big apartment,He has a lot of money since he is a kpop idol,but do you care?nope. You would date him in doesnt matter if he's rich or not.
wait...i should get back to the story..hehe sorry.

Anyways,Today you and your boyfriend decided to bake a cake today.
You two were extremely bored so you both came to with baking a cake.

"Babeeeee I'm borrreeeeddd" junhee said. "I know..Stupid Corona..."I said also sounding bored."I HAVE AN IDEA!!" Junhee screamed making you jump. "JESUS CHRIST!!JUNHEE.why do you have to scare me so much!?".

"I'm sorry"Laughs and hugs you.
"So what is your idea junhee?"
I asked looking at him.
"What about we bake a cake?"
I looked at him confused.
"Do we even have the ingredients?"
"yup". You smiled at him. "Alright lets gooo and bake a cake!!". Junhee picked me up in bridal style and took me to the kitchen,when we arrived in the kitchen he put me down and went to the Fridge.

You two were in the middle of making the cake,listening to music and dancing around like dead fishes...Something that you two do all the time.
you were melting the chocolate for the cake when you suddenly felt something on your hair..It was flour.."Junhee!You will get that back!!" You screamed and threw flour on him.

He gasped loudly and then a big flour fight happend.You two had a lot of fun.
But cleaning it...wasnt fun.
"Why did I start this?" Junhee said while giggling. "Hey,but at least we had fun!well the cake is not really a cake.."I said also giggling.

After hours of cleaning,we could finally lay back on the couch..I cuddled up on junhee and he kissed my forehead.
"I love you babe" he said smiling.
"I love you too..BUT" I said. And he looked at me. "The next flour fight,I will win!!" I said with a big smile.
He just laughed it off.

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