Kim Sehyoon •Drug dealer•

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You were on the way to yours and your boyfriends apartment. The sad thing was his parents never liked he run away with you,some will say it's cute and some will say it's not but for you it's an adventure. You have the most fun with him and he is the most caring person ever.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard someone yell in the alleyway.
You stood around the edge and listened to it because youre a really curious person. "Give me my fucking money!You bastard wanted your drugs and now you cant even pay?!" The guy said. "I said I will give you the money!Tomorrow!" Another voice said. They other guy laughed hysterically "Listen you fucker. Give me my money now or I cant give my girlfriend the necklace she wanted. I fucking know that you have the money so give it to me or I will kill you." You realized who the person yelling quickly went to the apartment.

As you entered you went straight to the kitchen,got a class and wine.
You usually dont drink wine but this time you needed it. You just drunk one glass since you dont like alcohol that much. After you put the wine away and put the glass into the sink you heard the front door open. You went to the front door. "Sehyonn!you're finally home!"
You said hugging him tightly.
"Baby,I got you the necklace you always wanted" He showed you the necklace and wanted to give it to you.
But you denied it. "babe?are you okay?" "yeah..i just want to ask you something " you said with a serious tone.
"what is it babe?" He asked you looking worried.

"why?why are you doing this?"
Istarted. And he looked at you confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
And then you started ...
"why are you selling drugs?! and how long have you been doing it?!YOU SAID YOU NEVER WANTED TO DO SHIT LIKE THAT!!" You said while tears started to build,He PROMISED  it.
"'s because I need the money. we need the money. I just want the best for you and you know that I love you I'm doing this because i love yo-" You cut him off.

"You promised to never do it.
You could've told me that you dont have enough money!I can find a workplace but no YOU started selling drugs and threaten them to kill them?!Sehyoon...please stop this .."
He just looked directly into your eyes.
"I did this so we can have food and a home!And I'm not going to stop!If you hate me doing it so much than just fucking break up with me!"
You didnt know what to say and suddenly said this:

You packed the stuff you needed and went out of the apartment leaving sehyoon crying. You didnt walk out of the just sat infront od the apartment door crying...suddenly you heard screaming and things being thrown..This is not how you wanted it to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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