Is This What You Need...?

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It was well passed sun-down, and Vega quietly stood in the dim light of the kitchen, pouring a glass of milk for someone in need. 

Lately, she's been worried about a certain member of their party; Scotty. In the past month, he had lost his magic, his sister was presumably missing, he lost his right eye, and worst of all, his mother was killed. The memory of the latest one made Vega feel the sting of tears, doing her best to fight them back.

The look on her face as her body was controlled.

The tears.

The snap of her neck.

 Vega truly felt sorry for her fellow party member.

She put the milk back into the fridge, making sure to quietly shut the door as to not disturb anyone who might be sleeping. She grabbed the glass and started to head back to her room when the quiet call of her name made her jump.

"Vega?" Rupert called from behind her.

She turned, looking up at him with a small smile as her greet to him.

"How's Scotty doing?" he gently asked her,

"He's..." Vega hesitated to answer. "...He could be better."

"...That bad, huh?"

"Yeah... But, I'm doing my best to try and help him through this. He's been having trouble getting out of bed lately, and it's really taking a toll on his diet. I feel like he needs someone who's had the same experience as him and understands what he's going through. And hey, who better to help him than me, eh?" Vega laughed a bit to hopefully lighten up the heavy mood.

Rupert laughed a bit with her, "Well, I'm glad he has someone like you to look after him in his time of need," he gave her a sweet smile.

Vega smiled back, Rupert's words giving her a bit of confidence in her actions. 

She made her way over to her bedroom door, gently knocking, then slowly opening the door. She peeked her head in before fully stepping in, "Scotty..? You up, buddy?"

Scotty lied on her bed, his back to Vega as he hugged one of her blankets close to his chest. He let out a quiet "Mhm..." in response, not even bothering to turn or even move from his current position.

However, Vega smiled, entering the room and bumping the door closed with her hip, "Aww, that's good," She came over, placing the glass of milk on her night stand next to the bed, "Since you're not really drinking as of late, I felt like getting you some water was a little dull, so I got you some milk since I know you really like it!" she smiled brightly, hoping to get some reaction this time.

"...Vega..?" Scotty mumbled, making her perk up.


"...Why are you doin' this..?"

Her smile dropped a bit, taken back by the sudden question. She thought for a moment, gently taking a seat next to Scotty on her side of the bed, "Well," she began. "I guess it's cause... I know how it feels losing a mother- well, mother figure-"

"No ye don't," Scotty interjected.

Vega was silent once more, "...Wh-what-?"

"I said ye fuckin' don't!" he sat up, facing Vega with an angry scowl on his face. "Ye don't fuckin' know what it's like losing a mother! Yer's is still fuckin' alive! We're in her fuckin' house!! And don't ye dare point out yer adoptive mother, cause she's still alive too!!" Scotty angrily ranted. "Oh, and yer sister, Octavia! We at least know where she is! Mine? No! Who the fuck knows where she is, cause Aye sure fuckin' don't!!"

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