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"Trunks? Are you ready yet? We're leaving in five minutes!" Bulma called from the living room as she put on a pearl necklace. There was no response at first. Frustrated, she walked over to Trunks' bedroom door and knocked harshly. "Trunks, we're going to be late!"

A muffled voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

"I hear you, just give me a minute!"

"What are you even doing in there?"

"Something! I'll be out in a second!" Trunks said as he stuffed the letter he wrote for Goten into the bag with his present. Finally satisfied, he opened the door quickly, nearly knocking Bulma back.

"Jeez, are you tryna kill me?!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry, Mom. I'm just excited!" Trunks said cheerfully. "You don't even know how long it's been since I've seen Goten!" He smiled like a happy small child.

It was true. It'd been nearly six months since they saw each other in person. They called and video chatted, but they never got to meet up. Trunks was always busy helping his mother with stuff for Capsule Corp and Goten was always hanging out with his now ex-girlfriend, Valese, who dumped him after a year of being together. Knowing this, Trunks was glad because he thought he'd finally get a chance to hang out with him, just like before.

And today might be his chance to finally be truly honest with Goten...

"Go get your sister, please, we're running late!" Bulma said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"O-oh, sure thing!" he responded as he went to get Bulla from her room.

Today was going to be a good day, he told himself. It was going to be a good day.

. . . . .

The Briefs arrived at the Son household about a half hour later. Many familiar faces could be seen, all mingling happily. While Bulma and Bulla went to talk to those they recognized, Trunks immediately went searching for Goten.

Soon enough, he spotted him chatting with a small group of people.

"Hey, Goten!" he called, trying to get his attention. Goten stopped talking once he heard his name and scanned the area. He grinned from ear to ear when he saw who called him.

"Trunks, it's you!" he exclaimed, and excused himself from the conversation. He ran to Trunks and gave him the tightest hug he could give. "Ugh, it's been too long since we hung out!"

"I know!" Trunks replied as he was released. "I wish we could've hung sooner. But that's beside the point now. Happy birthday, dude!" He held Goten's present behind his back, gripping the handles of the bag excitedly.

"Aw, thanks, man! Hey, you wanna go get a drink or something? My mom went all out with the refreshments."

Trunks nodded. Now was the perfect time to give him his gift. "Sure thing! But, uh, first, there's something I wanted t--" He paused. Goten wasn't looking at him anymore. In fact, his attention was elsewhere, behind him. "Um...G-Goten?" he said quietly.

"What the-- why is she here...?" Goten muttered curiously. He was eyeing something in the distance. He wanted to go to whatever it was, but he didn't want to just leave Trunks.

"U-uh, I hate to do this, but..." he looked back at Trunks, who had a hint of disappointment in his eyes already. "A-ah...could you wait here for a sec? Please?"

Trunks' smile fell slightly. "O-oh, yeah, sure! I-I'll wait for you..." His grip on the present loosened.

Goten smiled at him as if to say "sorry", and went to whatever he was looking at. Curious himself, Trunks looked to see what had captured Goten's interest so much that he left him.

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