Shad X Jayden (Shaddy)

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A man named Shad met a man named Jayden. Shad used to be corrupted by loneliness and darkness. He destroyed anything and everything in his path. This drove him deeper and deeper into the darkness,till he met a man named Jayden. Jayden made Shad feel complete inside...He helped Shad escape from his darkness inside and finally see the light that was always inside him. Shad was taller than Jayden with poofy hair that he hated. But Jayden loves Shad more than anything in the whole world especially his poofy hair, and Shad loved him. Jayden on the other hand had black hair that came down to his chin. He appeared to be skinny but really had abs and a ass thiccer than cake that Shad grabbed daily. He was also tan compared to Shad who was surprisingly pale. Jayden and Shad have been married for over 5 years now and has had a child named Smiley. Jayden and Shad live together in a mansion with a pool and three floors. Shad has been wanting to take his relationship with Jayden to the next level for a while but doesn't know if he's ready yet.
~Shad's POV~
I was in the kitchen making dinner when I feel Something wrap around my waist. 'Hay babe' Jayden hummed. ''Heheh, Hay Baby I'm making dinner''I said in my smooth deep voice. ''Smells good, pasta?'' Jayden questioned. ''Heheh yep, I thought since I haven't cooked in a while I would cook for you, Smilely and even that boy Travis'' I say proudly showing off my dad and husband skills. ''Well look at who's being the best dad and husband in the world'' Jayden says turning me around kissing me softy. God he's so fucking cute and adorable I thought to myself kissing him back. ''Ewww'' Smiley sticks her tongue out at us her boyfriend Travis standing next to her. ''I'm about to Eww you come here'' I saw walking over to her Jayden letting go of me. ''Noooo'' Smiley tries running but I catch her kissing all over her face. ''Daaaadddd your embarrassing me'' Smiley says laughing and giggling. ''Heheh only because your my little baby girl'' I say in the most sappy voice I can do. ''Dadddd'' She whines. ''Okay Okay I'll stop'' I let her go. ''Imagine your daughter getting more love from your husband than you'' Jayden pouts turning away from me. ''Oh really~?'' I say in my sexy voice I know he can't resist. I go over to him turning him around pinning him to the wall grabbing his ass squeezing it like a squishy. Damn his ass is thicc I think to myself. Jayden lets out a soft moan and I laugh kissing him deeply playing with his ass like putty in my hands. He kisses back grabbing on my shirt begging for it to be off. ''Uhhhh kids are WATCHING'' Smiley remarks looking at us. I let go of Jayden whispering in his ear ''Well finish this later~'' I see him nod and blush. ''Heheh'' I laugh going over to my pasta starting to fix plates. I give two plates to Smiley as she heads to her room with Travis. ''I better not catch you ontop of my daughter Travis!'' I yell. ''Dad were good kids not horny ones'' Smiley closes her door. ''Mhm'' I look back at the plate I'm fixing then back at Jayden. ''So I was thinking...'' I started. ''Hm?'' Jayden hummed. ''Let's have a little dinner date in our room'' I said fixing the last of the pasta setting it down on the counter looking over at him. ''Oh? A date? Just you and me?'' he questions wrapping his arms around my waist giving me a kiss. I kiss back. ''Just you me a plate of pasta and our bed'' I pick him up tossing him over my shoulder slapping his ass. It jiggles. ''Oooo~Harder daddy'' He says in his sexy voice and I can tell he's smirking. I laugh and blush. Fuck he knows how to turn me on, no Shad soft day soft day. I thought to myself. ''Next time~my little devil.'' I saying picking up the pasta going to our room using my leg to close the door. I throw Jayden on the bed setting the plate on our bedside table. ''And what are you doing big boi~?'' Jayden sits up looking at me. I crawl over to him sitting beside him. ''Can't I have a dinner date with my loving husband'' I say taking the plate of pasta feeding him some. ''Mmm'' He mumbles with a mouth full of pasta. ''Heheh'' I laugh at him. ''What? I can't enjoy my husband's pasta?'' He says placing a fork of pasta in my mouth. ''Mmm...I really am good'' I mumble while chewing. ''Of course you are babe'' Jayden says kissing me. I kiss back. I grab on his waist and he grabs on my zipper. The kiss starts to deepen till we pull back with just a string of saliva connecting between us. ''One second baby~'' I say getting up taking the plate to the kitchen cleaning it off putting it in the sink. I walk back to the room to see Jayden sitting up biting his lip. I close the door locking it crawling in the bed ontop of him. ''Whatcha doing kitten~?'' Jayden asked me. I didn't answer I went straight for his neck and started kissing and sucking it leaving hickeys all over him. ''Ah~Shad''Jayden moaned turning his neck giving me more room. I earn pleasurable soft moans and groans in return.
~Jayden's POV~
Shad was kissing and sucking on my neck when he hit my sweet spot and let out a soft moan. His hands ran up my shirt my shirt feeling my body. He pulled back admiring his work. I giggled ''Proud~?'' I rubbed up his shirt taking it off throwing it. He took mine off slowly watching my body. ''Very~'' He whispered in my ear. Shad Kissed my chest down to my abs sliding off my pants leaving me in my pink boxers. I blushed dark red. He started rubbing my dick  through my boxers. I was already hard. I groaned. Shad Took them off throwing them. I escaped his grasp getting ontop of him. I blushed a little. ''Woah'' Shad smirks at me. ''I can be dom when I want to'' I say kissing him. He kisses back. I nibble at his neck sucking on it as I slide his pants off him leaving him in his boxers. I start grinding against him. He groans and I smirk against his skin. I then kiss from his neck to his chest down to his boxers pulling them off teasingly as I do. I look at his 26in dick then at Shad smirking. ''Like what you see~?'' he ask me. I nod in excitement.
~Shad's POV~
Jayden licks my dick up then down putting it halve way in his mouth. I groan as he does. He starts to suck going down my shaft. He's deep throating me by now bobbing his head up and down fast. I groan in pleasure as he does gripping his hair. I started thrusting down his throat while he had me in his mouth. Jayden moaned with me in his mouth sending vibrations up my back. I came in his mouth gripping his hair till he swallowed all of it. He did and I soon let go as he took me out his mouth licking his lip. ''Daddy taste yummy~'' He says licking my dick clean. I laugh a bit blushing as he does letting out a soft groan. Then I watch Jayden get ontop of me grab our dicks and rubs them together. We both groan in pleasure. ''P-please fuck me daddy Shad~'' Jayden begs me. I smirk getting ontop of him putting him against our bed frame. ''As you wish daddy's little slut~'' I whisper in his ear as I line my dick up at his entrance. I thrust into him slowly forcing myself inside. I groan I pleasure. He was extremely Tight inside. I hear Jayden's groan in pain and pleasure. I force myself deeper into him till I was all the way inside. Then Thrust Hard and fast into him without warning. Jayden moans in pain and pleasure. ''Ahhh~!!!~Fuck daddy~!!!'' Jayden yells out in pleasure. I thrust harder going deeper into him pounding into him. Jayden moans with each thrust. We switch positions with my back against the bed frame and Jayden in my lap facing me his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms around my neck. I thrusted harder into him holding onto his waist for support till I hit his prostate. Jayden moans louder than before. ''Ahhh~!!!~Daddy there~!!!''He begs. ''Hm~?'' I pretend not to hear. He knows what I want him to say. ''DADDY PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER LIKE THE LITTLE SLUT I AM!! MAKE ME YOUR LITTLE WHORE~!!!'' He begged louder. My smirk doesn't Leave my face. ''As you wish daddy's little slut~'' I say thrusting harder hitting his prostate with each thrust. Jayden's a moaning mess with pure lust and pleasure in his eyes. We don't care who hears us. ''D~Daddy I'm G~Gonna-'' I cut Jayden off squeezing his dick as I start pumping and jerking him off. He moans louder as I pound deeper and harder inside him. ''S~Shad~!~Ha~Hah let me cum~!!'' Jayden moans out scratching my back. I grip his dick tighter and he gasp. ''~Mm~I'm about to~cum too so just mm~hold on~'' I tell him. It feels good to be feeling pain mixed with pleasure. My thrust began to get sloppy. I feel a knot in my stomach. I thrust one last hard deep time before cumming deep inside him. I let go of his dick and he cums on our chest and stomachs. Jayden moans one last time before taking deep breaths. We're both sweating and breathing heavily. ''W-we should do that more often'' Jayden says breaking the silence. ''Maybe later my little devil'' I reply laying down with Jayden on top of me my dick still in him. I cover us both up kissing him. He kisses back and I hold him. ''Love you babe'' I say sleepily. ''Love you more baby'' Jayden says. After I few minutes we both drift off to sleep holding eachother.
                         ~The Next Day~
I woke up to see Jayden ontop of me I was confused at first till last night started to hit me like a hangover. Jayden woke up a few minutes after me. '' baby'' he mumbled. ''Morning Babe'' I replied giving him a good morning kiss. He smiled at me trying to get up soon realizing he was stuck. ''S-Shad'' he stuttered. ''A-are you all the way inside me?'' He asked. ''Mhm'' I hummed. ''Mm well you feel good inside me'' he started moving himself on my dick. We let out low groans and soft moans. I got ontop of him pulling myself out of him. He came a little on the bed with a moan. I licked what was still warm up then licked inside Jayden cleaning him up inside. He liked it gripping my hair begging for more. I didn't give in, instead I got ontop of him asking. ''Again?'' He nodded begging to be fucked by me again. I smirked and round two began.

(So how was that? I hope I did okay for my first time wiring lemons 😅)

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