Gene x Aaron (Alpha 🐺)

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As Aaron was thrown onto the bed his sexy abs were showing as he pulled Gene down passionately making out with Him slowly undressing themselves till they were just in their boxers. Gene took off his boxers slowly revealing his large throbbing cock aching to be touched, Aaron looked at it in hunger as Gene sat on the bed, ''Don't be shy kitty~'' Gene said in a low husky voice making Aaron shiver. Aaron slowly crawled over to Gene slowly licking Genes tip that was already licking pre cum, Gene groaned at Aaron's warm tongue and how good it felt against his throbbing cock. Aaron slowly start going down on Genes dick choking and gaging at his size sending shivers up Genes back. Gene gripped the back of Aaron's hair pushing himself all the way down his throat forcing Aaron to deep throat him. Aaron choked at the sudden moment, ''Relax your throat kitty~you've done this before~don't upset me~'' Gene gripped Aaron hair more. Aaron relaxed his throat making it easier to take Gene's full size. After adjusting Aaron began bobbing his head fast deep throating Gene's member. Gene moaned at Aaron's tongue siding up and down his cock. ''F~Fuck Kitty~!~Don't stop~!'' Gene screamed out in pleasure. Aaron could feel Gene tensing up in his mouth. ''Fuck~!!!'' Gene cursed out in pleasure as he came in Aaron's mouth. Aaron swallowed it taking Gene's member out of his mouth licking it clean* ''nmmm~Good boy~you ready for your reward now kitty~?'' Gene Whispered deeply into Aaron's ear. ''Yes daddy~'' Aaron whimpered. Gene lifted Aaron's chin to look at him. ''Beg for daddy~'' Gene demanded. ''Please daddy~I want you~'' Aaron begged. Gene smirked chuckling a bit, putting Aaron against their bed frame. He gently wrapped one of his arm around Aaron's waist lining his member at his entrance. ''Ready kitten~?'' Gene whispered into Aaron's ear. ''Y~Yes~'' Aaron held onto Gene's arm that were around him. Gene slowly pushed himself inside Aaron. ''D~Daddy~!!'' Aaron winced in pain and pleasure digging his nails into Gene's arms. Gene kissed and licked Aaron's neck whispering sweet nothings into his ear to distract him from the pain. Once Aaron adjusted Gene slowly started thrusting in and out of him giving him hickeys all over his neck and shoulders.''G~Gene~F~Faster~!'' Aaron moaned out. Gene did what he was told thrusting faster and harder into Aaron earning pleasurable moans from Aaron. They switched positions with Aaron on his back with his legs around Genes neck giving Gene more room to explore deeper inside Aaron. ''D~Daddy~G~Gene~Ah~!'' Aaron moaned in pleasure. ''I~I'm~c~close~!!'' Aaron Screamed out. Gene grabbed and squeezed his dick. ''Daddys not done with you yet~'' Gene smirk grew wider. They switched positions again with Aaron In Genes lap bouncing up and down with Gene holding onto his waist. ''Gene~!~Let me come~!'' Aaron pleaded. ''Ngh~I'm~hah~almost there~j~Just~Wait~'' Gene could barely get the words out. Aaron bounced a few more times and could feel Gene tensing up again inside him. ''Aaron~I'm gonna~!'' Gene started. ''ME TOO!!!'' Aaron started making out with Gene still bouncing. Aaron bounced one more time making Gene cum deep inside Aaron and Let go of his dick. Aaron came on their stomachs letting out a final moan. Gene licked the cum off their stomachs slowly pulling out of Aaron. They lay next to eachother breathing heavily. ''That was the best time yet'' Aaron breath out. ''You were amazing'' Gene kissed Aaron holding him close. Aaron put his head on Gene's chest holding onto him. ''I love you Kitty'' Gene kisses Aaron's forehead. ''I love you too Babe'' Aaron smiled as they both drifted off to sleep.
651 words 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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