Part 1

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It was a normal cool summer night. I was walking to the adoption center where I grew up. I only grew up there because my dad went into the world war and I was only a baby and my mom was one of the war nurses or something like that but nobody ever cared for me. My dad left when I was four, but my mom just keeps saying that he died in war instead of telling me the truth.That he ditched us for his new family. She would cry after I fell asleep or at least when she thought I was asleep. I would sneak into the attic and read all of his little stories he wrote to me and I would look at pictures of him and our family, but one night I noticed the books and pictures were gone. I ran down the stairs to the first level of the house and opened my moms' door and the first thing I saw was my mom and some guy.They were kissing then I slammed her door and ran away to my best friend's house. When I got to my friend's house I rang the doorbell but then I remembered that her sister and she were gone at their dad's. I started running to the castle and rang their doorbell, and a guard opened the gate."Please help me," I pleaded to the guard. "I will help you, will have to sleep in the attic,"the guard said. I lived at the castle until I was fifteen and the guard was my guard, he lived up there too, then I moved back in with my mom. The guy started to come by more often. I hated the guy. He would always kiss my mom only in front of me.It was like he wanted to get rid of me and he knew I hated him so it made things worse. He would tell my mom to get rid of Élise and adopt a different child.' but I'm so happy that my mom always said this ' if you don't like Élise then you can leave me and my daughter' He would say that twice a week and three months after he started to ask her she finally broke up with the guy, but shortly after she started to date the king but I made them break up.One day my mom, Damaris got a letter from the king it said:

Dear Damaris and Élise,I am inviting you and your daughter to come to the ball my son is hosting. The ball is for my son to find a perfect lady to become the next queen! I hope that you can make it. Sincerely The Roi and the Prince.

His handwriting was so good. My mom wants me to be the princess so she dresses me up all the time. People in the village say 'she is the most perfect girl in the village' or 'she is made to be the queen.'I hate when people say that stuff because I am a princess from Transylvania, well at least I was until the prince broke up with me but that is a story for a different time. Whenever people hear that I come from Transylvania they say 'Aren't you supposed to be gothic or something.', but back to what I was saying about the ball when we arrived my mom went over to talk to the king and then the prince came to asked me to dance.I said yes as we danced we talked and I looked over to see all the pretty girls glaring at me as if I had done something wrong. I looked down at my feet and I was doing the steps right! I stopped dancing with the prince and ran. I felt like Cinderella running down the steps as the Prince chased me down them. I felt bad but my mind was telling me that I was doing the right thing. "Wait, I don't know your name!" The prince yelled at me."Élise, My name is Élise. What is your name?" I stopped running and turned to see him. "My name is Brandon, Why did you run from me?" Brandon asked politely. "Why did all the girls stare at me?" I asked. After that I just...well...I...I started to cry. I felt ashamed of myself because one of my moms' rules at our house was to 'never I repeat NEVER cry in front of a royal.' "The other girls are just jealous of us, because you are pretty, smart, funny, and you are a talented woman," Brandon said with a hint of love in his eye. "Well...I don't like guys like you talking about me like that unless they are my husband," I said stubbornly. Then I turned around and stormed back to my house as tears stung my eyes 'it is the worst day ever' I thought to myself. I opened the front door and...

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