Part 3

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"Oh, why would you say that my dear friend my name has always been Abella" Abella glared at me but said it in a sweet voice."What are you guys talking about!" My mother yelled."Nothing mom!" I yelled back"Ok well...just keep it down I'm trying to sleep.""Ok mom," I said.Abella smiled at me."What are you thinking about Abella""why my dear friend what do you mean" She had a snarl on her face as she looked at the door. She walked out and I followed her till she got to the castle gate."Let me in now" she demanded me."What are you talking about Abella" I pretended to not know what she was talking about which made her angry and confused."I know you love her-" My dad cut her off."Princess Élise is this a friend of yours." My dad asked."U-u-ummmm...Y-Yes she is.""Would you guys like to come i-""NO," I said way too fast."We have to go catch the train sorry for the trouble.""Élise there's no rush." She said,"The train is about to get here Abella" I pushed her to the train station."Ugh, you never let me have fun!""That's because you're still young you need to learn how to calm yourself when humans are around Abella because people can figure out what we are and do you want us to move again because of you," I said sternly."N-no Queen Elise""Good because I found the princess, which is good, so when you learn to control yourself you can teach the princess and if you don't control yourself soon then I will kill you or I will feed you to the werewolves, or both," I knew I was being too harsh but the other vampires and I have had to move thirty-eight thousand times, and I'm only 809 years old.All of a sudden the train stopped and when it opened. It wasn't humans, it was Emma was on the train. She walked out of the train with blood stained on her face. Her dark red and black dress was flawless on her, and her combat boots were black with dark red shoelaces."Well I'll be darned, the queen is here," Emma said sarcastically."Yes I'm here, I need you to do something," I said."What do you want to be done?" Emma asked curiously."I need you to take Abella here, back to the castle. She's been causing some troubles which isn't good because I found Annette, and there are people coming for Annette" I told Emma and Abella. Their eyes were wide open, it looked like their eyes were about to pop out of their eye sockets. Emma looked terrified, and I could tell by her heart, our hearts beat slow but hers was a little faster then it should beat. I turned around to see what she was looking at and then I felt scared for Abella and Emma. Brandon was there and I was terrified. He was holding Annette's hand but then he dropped her hand down to her side then he looked at me and the girls and back at Annette back at me then Annette and it was like that for about three minutes until Abella interrupted the silence but it wasn't in a good way."I'm hungry, feed me." Abella started to cry because of her hunger."How hungry are you Abella?" I asked Abella."Really hungry!" She responded. "O-ok let's go."I pushed her into the girls' bathroom in the train station. I pushed her into a stall and locked her inside of it, I saw Emma lock the door to go in and out of the bathroom."Mommy let me in" Annette yelled and I heard Brandon grunt trying to pick her up. I thought to myself, 'What if Annette is getting her powers!!' I hesitated for a minute. Emma knew before I told her to unlock the door. Emma opened the door and I grabbed Annette. "Élise open the door again," Brandon yelled but pleaded at the same time."Brandon, do you know I can't tell you anything about what just happened and plus this is the girls' bathroom!!" Emma looked at me as I talked to him through the door. Annette was snuggled in my arms as I sat on the floor my back pressed against the door. I sighed. Emma grabbed Annette as I got up. I unlocked the door and hugged Brandon. Annette came and ran up to us and I grabbed her. "Take her," I said. I heard Abella fight against the stall door. "Run," I said, he ran into the boys' bathroom with Annette, I heard her scream as he pulled her away from me. I slammed the door and opened the stall and gave Abella a bag of blood. Abella drank the blood fast. I gave her another one. She just gulped it down like it was nothing her eyes were her normal bright ocean blue eyes. She apologized to Emma and I. I opened the door and walked to the other side and pushed the door open."Is she under control now?" Brandon asked before he let go of Annette. I simply just nodded. He let go of Annette and they both came over to hug me. "Mommy?" Annette looked at me."Yes, sweetheart," I replied."Are you and the prince married?" She asked."U-Ummm-no," I confessed."When are you guys?" She asked. My mouth fell open and I looked over at Brandon. "Ummm..." I just stared at Brandon. He bent down on one knee and pulled out something that looked like a black box. Was he proposing to me?"Élise will you marry me?" He begged."Y-YES!" I yelled quietly."Yay!" Annette yelled.We walked home with Annette screaming and yelling happily with Emma and Abella. I started laughing at the girls, they were so happy together. They were fangirling. It was so cute to see them bond with Annette. The backstory of how I know Emma and Abella they're almost as old as me. It was 1210 and it's the year 2019 so I'm exactly 809 years old. I am the oldest vampire other than my real mother Damaris. I was 18 (I was a vampire by then) and they were kids and I saw them on the street curb so I had them live with me because I had a dorm to myself. They were so full of dirt and dust that I sprayed them with water from the hose outside. Then they both took a shower together. I loved the thought of having a sister or two to love and they love me back so I had them live with me until it was time to go back home to my mother and father. When we went inside the house we saw my dad having an affair with some random girl but then I saw a girl that went to my college and so did the girls, I turned the girls when they turned 14, I was so angry that I ripped the girl's (that had an affair with my dad) throat out. My dad said I was a monster but he still tries to make it up to me. My dad is a werewolf so I'm a hybrid the girls are my best friends but their also my sisters and sisters get in fights but its the fact that we would fight and then at the end of the day we would all get together and talk about our days like the fight never happened and that's what brothers and sisters should do, but we aren't really sisters but we act like it. That was the best life I think I ever had. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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