Part 2

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As I opened the door I saw my ex-bff. Yes I mean the bff that backstabbed me when I told her my mom and her dad were dating, her name is violet. She is mean. Super mean.She broke into my house. I mean who does that, only stalkers do."I want you to be my best friend again," Violet declared. Yes, she was pretty how can you not expect me to be her bff I mean she was the prettiest girl in 9th,10th,11th,12th grade and I was the captain of the cheerleaders and she was co-captain. I hate that she always got me back. Somehow. "But why?" I asked."Because you're smart and positive," she said as she looked around the room. "Tu mens," I said as I stared at her. Some people came out of my moms' room. I didn't recognize her for a second. "Mom?" I asked. "Don't call me mom I'm not your mom, you're going to live on the streets go pack your bags now!" my mom said."Wha-," "How was that sweetie I-, "My mom started."I hate you, I'm moving out," I yelled with tears in my eyes."B-but...but," my mom stuttered."No don't talk to me," I walked into my room and started to pack my things. My mom tried to stop me but she couldn't. After that, I went to the palace to see the prince. I was at the gate but I didn't know what to say to the prince or anyone in the castle. I started to walk away then I heard someone say. "Elise comes to the gate," a guard said as I walked away."O-o-ok umm...what did I do si-," Wait I recognized him under his suit and his hat."D-d-dad?!" I was so surprised. ¨Dad what are you doing here?¨"I work here," he said with a blank face."For how long?" I asked"After the Battle of Bouvines," He said."Why did you leave," I tears stung my eyes even though I was mad at him."I had to," He looked at the ground sadly."Ahem, miss. Élise please stop talking to the guard," The king said with a disgusted face as he walked up to me "The prince is waiting for you," "First of all this guard is my dad, and I don't care about the prince, I just need a place to live and I've been waiting for you guys so don't just don't," I said."What did you just say to me" the king raised his voice¨"You heard me I don't give a butter nugget," I yelled at him, my face was turning a reddish-purple. It was silent for a minute while the king was thinking I thought about running away but he could have guards come after me."You can be a maid if you treat the prince and I like the way you just treated me," The king yelled at me. I started to cry and ran to the river. "Nobody loves me," I sobbed. I heard a noise behind me."Whos there?" I asked. I turned around and saw the prince. "What are you doing here," I said as I turned my head back at the river and wiped my tears."I heard my fath-," The prince got cut off."It's the king to you," The king said

"Why does no one leave me alone?" I yelled.

"Because your going to be the new que-," The king started"Shut I'm not!" I yelled."Stop it you're going to be the queen whether you like it or not," The king yelled at me then I turned to the prince and cried."Father stop it, if she doesn't want to be the queen than she won't be the queen don't be harsh on her she ran away from her house-,""Wait how do you know that," I asked"Ummm...I was walking past your house at the time." He said as he looked down looking embarrassed."Oh well thanks, Brandon. As I said Robert I'm not going to be queen, Brandon and I were almost going to be brother and sister so it makes me uncomfortable and I don't know about Brandon but I'm sure it makes him uncomfortable too." I said as I started to walk to the adoption center. "Hey...Hey...HEY," I heard Brandon yell he sounded out of breath like he was running but couldn't keep up, I just kept running though I stopped at the halfway point between my house and the river."What," I snapped at him."Just wait for me," He said."What are you my puppy or something," I was annoyed "What no...wha... I don't understand," He was confused."You're following me," I snapped at him as I faced him"Oh, I'm sorry," Brandon said sincerely."You better be," I snapped"Be nice to the prince" A random village girl yelled. I'm pretty sure it was a little girl."What," I said"Don't worry shes, my wife," Brandon cut in. "Pfft yeah right," I scoffed."Just play along," Brandon whispers to me."Ugh...," I rolled my eyes "fine. Yeah, I mean yes sweetheart, I'm his wife." I struggled to say to the little girl. I felt bad for lying to her."I'm sorry Mrs. Byte," The little girl said and then she started to cry."Awww sweetheart it's ok." I picked the little girl up."What's your name, sweet angel," Brandon asked the little girl"A-Annette," The little girl said."Hey Élise, It's ok," Brandon said to me because I started to cry. I realized that Annette could be my child because I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl when I was eighteen. I started to sob."" I asked while sobbing."I-I'm T-two a-and a half." The girl stuttered. "OMG, You-Your my daughter!!" I said as Brandon grabbed her."SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!!" I screamed this time."U-um Elise no she's not," Brandon said as he touched my arm."Yes, she is Brandon Lee Byte," I yelled as he put Annette down."Élise stop it.""No," I said in a firm voice."Annette come with me, you're going to meet your grandmother.""Okie Dokie mommy," Annette said in a baby voice. We walked to the palace to the king and he met her and I was so happy he was going to help us until he said..."You know what this means right?" The king said"Oui, Oui I know what it means but my daughter is going to be a princess! Oh by the way if Brandon comes by telling him I said 'I'm sorry' please." I asked"Yes, I will.""Thank you so much!!" I said, We all walked to my mom's house and then my mom met Annette and was so happy for me but then she asked me to stay but I asked the king to tell her what was going to happen to me and Annette. "B-but why." I heard my mom stutter from the house. Me and Annette. The next thing I knew was Annette asking, 'Mommy what's happening?' Because my mom was screaming and I was shut down... completely. Brandon came up and helped me get to the castle. Apparently, he heard the screams too. He kept asking what was wrong and kept lying and saying nothing after we got Annette inside I told the guards to watch her. Brandon and I walked outside my mother started to scream again which they must have been doing something to hurt her because the screams were not just screams they were screams of pain. When I heard the pain in the screams I ran all I did was run there to see a friend of mine...Her name was Alice when I met her but I heard she changed her name a year ago to Abella. It is a French name. I don't know why she picked that name but she was French so I guess that's why she picked the name. When I saw her I yelled at her and everyone in the village because that's the 3rd person in my life that destroys everything I'll show you the list. The list of people who destroyed my life:Violet My mother Abella or AliceI can't believe she was here at my house with my mom. I saw the king around the block coming to check on my mom all of a sudden I locked the doors and shut the windows and locked the house down and then I think the king knew not to go in because all of a sudden he left he just walked away without a word. Then my mother wasn't crying anymore she had pink puffy eyes and tear stains on her face but she held a stare at my room I used my vampire power to read her mind and all it said was 'he left...he..just..left' then she walked to me and hugged me and asked me to come over often and Abella just stood their glaring at me and my mom hugging, I stuck out my tongue and glared at Abella. My mom knew who Abella was because Abella was so stupid because she would change her name but she would never change her look I mean she would dye her hair and try a new makeup look but it was still her. My mom walked to her room and closed her door which I knew was not closed all the way. "Why did you come here Alice or should I call you by your name Abella" When I said Abella I said it in a snarl so I was in for trouble. She was also a vampire but what was different about her was that she was a hybrid so she was one-third vampire, one-third human, one-third witch.

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