Maid Cafe AU Starters

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This is for all of the characters I rp as.

You will also be given choices to pick.

The only character who will not be a maid is Tonis,since I see him as a Butler more then a maid and I also just think it suits him.


The Russian had came out of the back room.He was wearing his maid uniform.The outfit was quite small,having to pull it down here and there.The short poofy sleeves squished his arms,the sleeves being laced with a soft white fabric.The top of the outfit showed his collar bone,more white fabric surrounding it.Long black stockings squished his thick thighs together.His skirt was poofy,an white apron along with it.He began to walk near you.

A.You order something.

B.Flirt with him.



The young boy was walking to place to place.He was busy,taking a few people's orders.His poofy skirt was moving about freely,his stockings squishing his thighs.The Moldovan was happily doing his job,even though he was quite stressed but all the orders.Suddenly,he accidentally tripped.

A.Help him up.

B.Laugh at him.



The Latvian held his order in his hand,placing it down to a customer.Music played through the Maid Cafe.

"You keep saying you got something for me
Something you call love but confess
You've been a'messin' where you shouldn't 've been a'messin'
And now someone else is getting all your best"

The old song was played on,making him smile a bit.He started to move his hips to the beat,swaying them from side to side.He smirked,starting to seductively dance.

"These boots are made for walking
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you"

The short boy continued to dance seductively.

A.Record him.

B.Dance with him.



The blonde stood there as the man yelled at him.He was trembling,too scared to say anything.He had tripped and dropped the order onto the floor by accident.Everyone in the was looking at them,whispering.As the man kept yelling at the Estonian,the maid looked as if he was about to cry.

A.Stand up for him.

B.Try to ignore it.



The tall handsome man was walking around the Maid Cafe.He was the very few people who was actually a Butler instead.Suddenly,he came to your table."Hello,there,would you like to order something?"

A.Order something.

B.Tell him to go away.



The grumpy maid was pissed as always.He didn't like the stupid maid costume he had to wear.It made him look girly and he didn't like that.He couldn't help but feel embarrassed.Suddenly,he bumps into you by accident.


B.Ignore it and walk away.


And thats it!

If you want me to do this in a another AU then tell me ^^

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