Yaaaaaassssss kill me

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A woman walks into a dark alleyway, and smiles as a man with a gun approaches her. The man is a menacing figure with a gun in his left hand. He points the gun at her.

"Give me everything valuable you have and I won't kill you!" The man yells, obviously wanting to get out of there.

"Oh my God! Yaaaassss, kill me! Best birthday present ever! Thanks babe, I'll put in a good word for you up above!" The woman starts squealing and holds her arms out at her sides to give him a clear shot. As she closes her eyes, she hears items dropping.

"I'm sorry, please let me go, take all I have. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" The man starts running away as the woman opens her eyes.

"I don't want your stuff, I want to die! Get back here!" The woman calls the police.

"Ma'am, can you give me a description of the situation?" The police officer asked.

"He was supposed to kill me, and he just ran, go catch him! I want to die!" The woman screams at the officer.

"Ma'am, please tell us the whole story. "

"Ugh! I walked into the alleyway, a man came out of the shadows and pulled a gun out. He told me to give him my money, or he was going to kill me. I thanked him for the gift, of death of course, and he threw all his stuff at me and ran! So, go catch him! I want to dieeee!"

"Ma'am, we'll catch him, but not so he can kill you."

The police caught the man and sent him to jail, they now use the woman as an interrogator, she has the best record for getting confessions in the entire station.

(I know it's not realistic, none of these will be. Literally just stuff my sister and I come up with)

my sister and I coming up with stuffWhere stories live. Discover now