Chapter Four

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(Uraraka's Persepctive)

As everyone went through their usual routine, waiting for Mina to come back, I sat on the couch, pondering about my day. She was coming back today, and we would laugh just like old times. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and we saw a certain pink alien queen.

I teared up a bit, ran and screamed, "MINA! YOUR BACK! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Everyone, even Bakugo, looked up and ran to her. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! WE WERE SO WORRIED! I MEAN, WEREN'T WE TEXTING BEFORE?!" She teared up, and sobbed into my shoulder.

 "My house... while we were texting, I saw it go up in flames. I then immediately shoved it down my pocket, and I ran down through the living room. My sister was cowering over 2 other shapes, which I realized were my parents. When I checked there pulse, I realized... nothing could save them now. I got my sister out, and I called the police and firefighters. They told me to call my friends, and tell them we wouldn't be coming to school for a while. The rest was a blur."

Kirishima stopped dead in his tracks. Does he know something? Mina then ran to him. "I'm sorry. I knew they were like a second family to you." Deku~kun then cleared his throat. "We were supposed to cheer her up. This is not the time to make her feel worse!" He whisper-screamed, agitated. "Now," he said, speaking normally to Mina, "why don't we have a party/sleepover, you know, because you need something good right now?" Mina smiled. "I would love that."

— Time Skip brought to you by mah lazy butt—

"Okay!" Mina shouted, back to her cheerful self. "Let's play... Truth or Dare!" Momo groaned. "Doesn't that happen in every cliché MHA fanfic?" I nudged her. "Not time to be breaking the 4th wall! It wants to live in peace." "Fine."

Mina grinned, and shivers went up my spine. She definitely has something up her sleeve. But I decided to let it pass. "Okay... Momo, Truth or Dare?" Momo also shivered. "Umm.....Dare." Mina's grin widened. "I dare you... to kiss Todoroki." Both of them looked at each other and blushed. Todoroki's flame turned on by accident, but he quickly turned it off. Everyone else oohed, even Bakugo.

"I see Mina-san has taken my advice." Someone from the back said. Everyone jumped, expecting Hangakure, but instead it was a little girl.

This little girl had short, bouncy hair like me, but it was the color of ravens. Her skin was also a tan color, like she spent a lot of time in the sun and near hot surfaces. She seemed a tad bit overweight, but that didn't matter. It was her eyes that stood out the most.

She had heterochromia, but it wasn't as visible as Todoroki's. One of her eyes was a light hazel, and the other seemed gold. However, they constantly changed color, so they immediately thought it must be her quirk. I didn't relax, though, and was glad to see no one else did. No one but Mina, at that.

"Mina, do you know her?" Momo-san seemed a little nervous at asking that. Normally, middle schoolers weren't all that, but this one had made it through all of the UA surveillance at max power!

Mina chuckled. "Chill, guys! This is the Creator. She created us!"

Bakugo scoffed, obviously not impressed. But the was short lived, as the girl glared at him, and her glare actually made the room shake!

She sighed. "Hey," she started, clearly already having gotten used to the angry pomeranian. "I'm Harmony. I come from outside Japan, but my quirk allows me to translate automatically. As Mina said, I am the Creator. I have every power I need, including Erase, Add, Edit, Instant Kill, and Pyrokinesis."

I blinked. An idea then formed in my head. Just as I was about to say it, though, she interrupted me.

"Yes, I can kill Mineta. I can get away with it too. But on him, I think  I'll use edit, make him less perverted and taller."

Ok then. That wasn't creepy at all. I checked my watch. Wait, I don't have a watch. Guess I'll cry in a corner now.

I got up. "Hey, guys, we have school tomorrow. Why don't we continue tomorrow evening then? It's getting rather late, and Harmony's having a hard time on ending this chapter."

Everyone agreed, and went to sleep. The end.

Go beyond, Plus UTLRA!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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