Chapter 15

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Jinho took Wooseok out on a "date", and by that he ushered Wooseok to skip a day in the office and go out and do whatever. So now what if they goof off and skip work? Jinho's the goddamn CEO, it doesn't matter if he goes or not, he's just in front of the computer all day. And if not, he'd be ogling around the building.

"Wow, the CEO is slacking off, what in tarnation is this?" Wooseok joked while he follows Jinho from behind, forming a square with his hands, a poor attempt of trying to recreate a camera to 'film' the shorter, "This would surely be a great scandal." He added, snorting at the end when Jinho finally faced him.

Wooseok was wearing something bland and plain, not Jinho's style but it was at least decent. Just black shorts and a plaided black and yellow buttoned-up shirt, snugly and comfy. But with what Jinho was wearing, there is this huge contrast in both men's fashion taste. The long coat was just a distraction from what lies underneath, which is a tight-fitted cotton shirt that would definitely show some curves but Jinho decided to cover it up anyways 'cause he's a snitch.

"Can you shut up about work already?" Jinho asks, well more like pleaded because Wooseok won't close his mouth about it since they've meet up. Jinho really wanted to get away from the same systematic life that he was living in, "I brought you along so I won't feel lonely, but here you are, reminding me of work. You're more annoying than my alarm!"

Jinho went back to walking towards to whatever he has in mind, sort of but not really regretting that he invited Wooseok. The taller finally felt bad for Jinho, it's true that he annoyed him about work since a few moments ago and he have realized that he may have come out as kind of a jerk for doing so.

As an apology, he took Jinho's hand and intertwined their fingers. But Jinho pulled it away after just a few seconds of it. "Wooseok, we're in public..." He breathed out, tucking his hands in his pockets. Jinho has been very keen of keeping his private life a secret from the open, knowing his position in life would make it a bit problematic.

He made it clear with his boyfriend that there will absolutely be no PDA, love only in private. He have even talked to the other two which are Shinwon and Hui to not talk about it to others. This was the opposite of what Wooseok wants, he wants to show the whole world that Jinho is his and his only.

But due to respect and for their own safety, he had no choice hut to follow what the other wants. Wooseok frowned, letting out a sigh. "I just want to love you..." He murmured. Jinho smiled, only if Wooseok knows how much he appreciates his efforts. "Trust me Wooseok, you're doing a great job loving me, and that's enough." A smile was finally brought back to Wooseok's face.

They walked in silence, happy with each other's presence accompanying them. They might not be holding hands but they do know very well that their hearts are connected. That thought alone makes the two the most happiest people in the whole world.

Now that they've brought upon peace to themselves, it was only now that Wooseok starts to question where they are heading, "Uh... hyung, where are we going exactly?" Jinho hummed, in a more questioning tone. "Oh." He deadpanned, "We're going grocery shopping." Wooseok paused on his track.

Jinho stopped as well, looking back at Wooseok just to see him making a somewhat stupid face that is mixed with confusion and more confusion. Grocery shopping?? "You skipped work just for grocery shopping???" He said, a bit overdramatic with the usage of his voice.

"Ugh- Here we go again with that work talk." Jinho rolled his eyes, completely ignoring the point of Wooseok's statement. Well, he did skip work for grocery shopping, now what? "My housekeeper was the one whose supposed to go, but I wanted to do it." He briefly explained, continuing walking. Wooseok just got his eyebrows knitted together, he just doesn't understand.

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