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11:11 pm

I grabbed my pillow  and kept it between my legs. Hayzzzzz, I am stuck again between sleeping tightly or wake up just to pee. I really hate this feeling. Tsk!...I can't control it, I stood up cause I really need to pee. But-...

Comfort room is a little bit far from my room, and I am idle to go outside. With no hesitation, I decided to open my window and flush my grudge right there.

Cold, I can feel the coldness of the night as I stood in the window and flushing my pee. The night is filled with darkness. All I heard is the waterphone sound everytime the wind strip the trees. The sound echoes like in a horror movies. Little bit scary. I laid down on bed. And closed my eyes.

I tried to sleep but something outside is calling me. I listened to the whisper of the wind. It seems that it calling me.

Ahhhhh, I hate this creepy feeling. I can't sleep. To escape this feeling, I took my phone and opened my Role play account in facebook. This is just my  new account and don't have that much friend too.

I scrolled down to add some friends. One account caught my attention, an account with a Western Port Display Picture, a wacky post and some caricature background. I don't know if who the hell is that artist but it has a named of Psyche Injel.

I don't know if this person is a Psycho, or experiencing mentally disorder. Or perhaps, she named herself from the Greek Goddess Psyche, which means the soul, mind, spirit, or invisible animating entity which occupies the physical body.

As I stalked her profile picture, she's wearing black sleeveless croptop, with Guns N' Roses printed on it. Her pants is white. She is sounds interesting.

"Her beauty is quite attractive, so beautiful, I never seen such beautiful smile, Such an angel in  disguise.

Her profile picture has a very a few heart reactions. I think she is just a newbie here in Role Play World. Will I click the add button or not?

I did not click it. I continued scrolling and adding names, mostly, account with Western port. Then...this Psyche Injel showed up again. My intuition said to click the add button. I did, i clicked it, but with a little bit curiosity.

I felt yellow as I clicked that add button. Idk, I don't know why, really don't know. Then a tiny voice whispered into my ear, send her a message. I hesitated at first. As I scrolling down, I was prompted to message her. But-...

My thumb did it. And sent the "Wave button". It's a shoot for the moon. And mumbled a little prayer that she will reply sooner.

I turned off my phone and closed my eyes, to sleep again. While asleep, a shimmering, waving, dancing light disturbed me. I stood up to find out who the heck in the world is roaming at this deep of the night. The flickering light is from the outside. I peeked out the window.

"Grabe, even at this hour of the midnight our BTS (BARANGGAY TANOD SQUAD), is patrolling. What the heck are they doing in the mid of the woods?"

I saw a triangle spaceship flying in the air. In each angle there is a flashing dancing light. The trees were almost stripped because of the force of the wind coming from the spacecraft. Suddenly, a door opened, and the white stair was dropped. Then-...

A virgin, the most beautiful woman I never seen in my life is walking down the stairs. She's glowing in the dark. With her long white dress and golden singlet around her waist and a flaming halos on her head. Then, her wings opened that make her so stunning!

Realizing that it is not our BTS, but an alien invation, I got out of my house immediately. Got my phone to record what I saw. Instantaneously the UFO ascended into heaven. And the woman? a nymph? No, an Angel, yes the angel walked into the midst of the woods. Walking slowly, while touching the leaves of the shrubs. Everytime she touches a leaves it glows and it leaves a fireflies behind making her a Queen of the night.

I hiddenly gently followed her. While sneaking her behind a big Acasia Tree
I can really saw her flawlessness. I bet she is hot. She is so sexy.

"What it feels like to kiss by an angel? Will I reach the heaven through her red pouty lips?" Questions that run into my braincells.

While staring at her, my heart pump so fast, then I felt that my warm blood surrounded my body. I can't control this feeling. Anything that would stand, stood up on me. I groped my body, then my pajama. Shocks, I felt something with my hands as I touched my pajama. Its very firm and hot.

"Oh, flip, its my...cellphone, I forgot to turned off my data. Its a waste of load again!"

I took my cellphone to take a picture of what is happening. Whilst hiding behind the tree, i heard a soft, cotton candy voice:

"Hey, mortal, why are you hiding behind that tree?" she asked.

At first I was afraid because she caught me. I am afraid and supposed to run. Then she said:

"Don't be afraid Jacob! Come here with me!"

"How in the extraterrestrial world, she knows my name?"

I am a melting snowman because of the sweetness of the voice.

"Jacob, don't be afraid, Father sent me to help you and your people." She said.

"I am on a mission, you know darkness must be prevail. Sooner or later it will crawl around your people. And I needed you to STOP this plague that will kill thousands of your kind, hahahahahahahaha!"While laughing evily.

While stood behind the tree, I asked:

"What are you talking about? What is that mission? What is that plague you are telling me?"

"Come, mortal, shake your fears. This is not the right time to answer all your questions!"

"But who are you?" Tell me who you are?

"You already know me before you followed me here, You already know my name, you stalked me many times!"

Without any hesitation, I was pumped up through her words, I felt an extraordinary power into my veins, I was Transfigured. I closed my eyes, walk out slowly and went to her while my hands covering my eyes because I can't stand her light that glowing around her. Then-...she extended her arms toward me.

I held my right hand to reach her arm,  I opened my eyes, when-...


A dazzling light filled the woods, I can't stand this eye blindingly light, I closed my eyes. I tried ro reach her arms. I can't see anything. Then-...
I opened my eyes, with a blink of an eye -...darkness filled once again.

I realized that I am on my bed, reaching my phone. And I am dazzled in the brightness of my phone. Its in a full bright. Ain't wearing my eye glasses.

"Hayzzzz, radiation will cause problem in my eye."

I lowered the brightness of my phone.
And a message popped up:

"Hi! with smiley emoticon." Psyche replied.

Then a background music started to play, "Oops, my heart went, oops!"

Its almost 3:00 in the morning. After that Heavenly encountered that still instilled into my mind. I closed my eyes, inhale deeply, then exhale slowly. I smiled. With a question left.

"Who the hell is that Angel?"

O Psyche, you are my psychedelic now.

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