Chapter 1

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6 am

My ear wiggled as I hear the magical sounds of broomsticks. I used to wake up with the sounds of a broom everytime mama is cleaning the leaves of trees that fell off in the backyard. I felt calmed when I heared the chirps of the birds that plays on the branches of our mango trees. This day is good. Not until-

"The sun is up already. You indolence! Is that the future of the world? I'm done cooking. Done washing dishes that you left last night. Done washing clothes blah, blah, blah..."

My morning is not complete without hearing my mother's rap every morning. Oh,...

I opened my eyes. My room still filled with darkness. Still don't wanna get up.
Then silence surrounded my room. I opened my cellphone. I smiled when someone sent a message. My heart pumped up so fast as if will burst sooner or later. I almost jumped up on my bed.

"Good morning! Heart emoticon." Psyche sent a message.

"Hey, wassup,goodmorning, smiley emoticon!" I replied.

I thought this woman is a seener. Then I smiled.

My attention was nailed by a flickering light coming from my window. Then i remembered the extraterrestrial hypothetical scene that I encountered antecedently.

"Did I meet an Angel? Or an Alien? Or a nymph? I really don't know." I am still awed.

I went outside to do stretching. The sun greeted my morning with a smile. I went to our backyard to check if what
I encountered last night was indeed true. Or it is just result of my creative nerd mind.

The image of the singularity of the scene last night was still here in my mind. The trees around here were almost fell down because of the gustiness of the wind from the UFO. But no traced of that were left. No branches of trees fell down on the ground except for some brownish Mahogany leaves that covered the ground.

I hurriedly went to the midst of the woods where Angelic Encountered happened. It's quite cold that morning. The acres of forest where filled by fogs. A very unsual scene. I entered the forest. Then I heard the flap of the the birds. And a caws of the crow. Quite weird. Whole forest is covered with fogs.

I looked for evidences. I tried to trace her footsteps, it quite stranged. This lowland forest were almost dried up, beacause its summer time. But today, green grass started to grow. I looked for shrivel leaves of the shrubs that she touched, Holy Angel! It's now fully green. I went to that very spot where I talked to that Angel, I found a circled spot on the groud where that angel stood up. She's flaming last night but no single dried leaves burned.

I entered to that circle spot. I looked up to heaven. Its a clear blue sky. But I felt a wierdness while standing there. Something stranged happened. I can feel breeze of the wind. Then a hair-raising. The caws of the crow never stop. Then, a strong wind blew all fogs.

My heart beat fast, faster, fastest as if I jogged in the oval. I looked around, then a dark mist started to crawl around the forest. I cant see anything because of the thickness of the mist. I felt dizzy, my heart stoped beating. I fell down on the ground. My eyeglasses also fell. I am lying on the ground hopeless. Yet, my mind is still consious.

Then I heard an echoing harsh voice from the mist. It calls me by name:

"Jacob, Jacob get up"

I tried to get up on my knees. But still the heart pain never left me.

"Who are you?"

"You already know me Jacob before you followed me last night!"

"You are not the person I met last night. She is beautiful, she wears white dress, she is flaming with golden fire, her voice is sweet, not hoarse like you, Show yourself, you daughter of the dark"

"Silence! You mortal" in a rage voice.

"A war will soon began here on your land, a war between good and bad. The unfinished business on heaven between Angels and Demons will be settled sooner or later, the war of being the Greatest of this Kingdom! Now choose your side poor creature!"

"We are not involve with your fuckin' unfinished heavenly war, you freak god of the dark, show yourself!"

"Silence, I said ,Silence, you lowly creature!"

"Get lost you demonic creature!"

I tried to scream but a heart pain is now killing.


Then-...I tried to scream but there is no sound now that coming out from my mouth. I raised my voice louder and loudest and yet its still the same. I am hopeless that time. I can't endure the pain. Again, I fell down. Then, a soft voice started to whispher into my ear, its s simple word:


I uttered simple prayer:

"Father, please forgive us, give me a power to overcome this!"

I heard a flap of the wings from above.

'Disappear, you daughter of Lucifer'

Then, she blew the mist of darkness. I hear a moment of silence. I can now see the blurred blue sky. I can't find my eyeglasses. While lying, and a blurry vision-...

I saw a woman in the air. Its flapping her wings. She stood on the ground.
And said:

"Get up, Jacob!"

That sweet cotton candy voice, I am certain, that is the Angel I saw last night. That face, yes that face, although my vision is blurred but I am sure, that is the face of the woman I used to stalk.
Then I heard a voice:

"The Father, heard your pleadings, I will always protect you, don't be afraid Jacob. Have faith!"

"Psy-Psy-Psyche!" is that you?"

"My time is not yet come, this is not the time to converse with you, but one thing is sure, the war is near at nigh!Now go home and let us meet tonight. Same time, Jacob, in this same spot,now go home and take your rest, and don't mention to anybody this scenario!"

"Psy-Psyche- What do you mean?..." in a loud voice.

"Please don't leave me!"

I felt my eyeglass on the ground. I wore it. Now, I had clear vision of light. Its coming from outside my window. I dazzled. I heard a raging voice. Mama opened the window of my room.


That voice, that nagging voice, my morning is not complete without hearing the rock n roll of my mother.

"The greatest goddess of all, my mother"

A message popped up on my phone:

"Waky, wake up, the sun is up, Rise n shine! Smiley emoticon."

I smiled from the morning greetings of Psyche.

"Good morning too, my Angel" smiley emoticon.

I was comforted and felt happines for a moment. When an armalite start to shoot me again...



I hurriedly went out of my room, but a question still hang on my head.

"Psyche Injel, who the hell are you?"

You are driving me crazy right now.

****This story is still in updates. It will be posted nexr couple of days. Comments is much appreciated. Hope ya enjoyed your flight readers****

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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