Game Set

26 0 0

Italics: Talking

Bold: Sounds/Thoughts

Opening Sequence

Beep Beep Beep Slam! Goes a alarm clock as it is hit by a hand of a familiar young man.

Ugh why did I have to go out patrolling late last night.A tired M.J. says as he sits up in his bed.

A quick while later

Alright now i'm ready to go. A more awake M.J. says as he goes downstairs to the first floor of the orphanage and into the kitchen to help if need be. He's greeted by the Caretaker of the orphanage.

Hello M.J. how are you this morning? Asks

I'm fine thank you for asking.Says M.J.

M.J. could you be a dear and go wake up Poppy for me? She usually up by now. Asks

M.J nods his head and goes and stops at the bottom of the stairs

Poppy Get UP! We have school in 10 minutes. M.J. shouts up the stairs and soon Poppy come running down the stairs in a hurry.

Okay! Let's go M we got to go! Poppy says in her normal excitement.

Okay Okay Fine come on we'll take my bike.M.J. states as they head out to the front of the building and get on his bike.

5 minutes later

M.J.'s P.O.V

We are here Poppy you can get your head of my back now. I says as I feel her head get off my back and hop of the bike and goes to meet up with her friends.

Poppy's P.O.V

I don't see what you see in him Poppy. One of her friends states

You just don't get it, there childhood lovers!. Squeals the other one

Ugh you guys don't say that out loud he will hear you! I whisper loudly to them as I take a final look back at M.J. and see him locking up his bike and head in.

We see M.J. quickly grab his things and head to home room while meeting up with Patrick and David.

So why didn't you answer any of my texts last night?Says Patrick as he looks at M.J.

My phone died and I left my charger in my locker. States M.J.

David just stays quiet and looks over at his wrist or more specifically the Watch the mysterious person gave him.

After School

Patrick's P.O.V

Beep! Is heard as directions pop up on the watch's screen

I booke it towards the area displayed on my watch

David's P.O.V


I look at the watch and see the directions and I start running there.

Jessie's P.O.V


I see the directions pop up on the screen and start running there.

I will find out what's going on. I think to myself as I run

At the location displayed on the map

We see one by one Patrick,David and Jesse find there way there and meet up.

What Are you doing here? Says Patrick to David

So you also got a watch from someone? Says David

Alright lets calm down and look around more specifically that shed over there.Jesse says as he points to a rundown shed.

Our three characters decide to head into the shed and look around they find what they are looking for.

Three cases in front of a screen saying to open the cases and to put what's inside on.

They all decide to open their respect of cases at the same time and what they find is something they will be familiar with until the day they die.

Inside Patrick's was a modified Suit that look like sayian armor and as well as a mask.

Inside David's was a backpack that can wirelessly connect to his watch to unfold his armor.

Last but not least inside Jesse's was a body suit with a set of boots and gloves as well as a helmet.

As soon as they are done putting on the Costumes the cases close and blow up causing the shed to catch fire. The guys run out of the shed and look as it goes up in flames.

What is going on here? asks a voice from behind them

They turn around to see Mighty X standing there with his arms crossed

Okay fine since you won't tell me I will just have to beat it out of you. Let's get this game started Says Might X as the scene fades to black

Tv turning on sound followed by static

So you plan on having them fight first? Asks a voice inside a dark room with the only light coming from a computer monitor.

Yes it's a good way to see how they fight and to see if Mighty X is all he's cracked up to be, Of course we will have plenty of more times to see what they can do. Says a voice from the speakers of the computer monitor

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