Real Steel

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Opening Sequence

"So you sent the guy I asked for to StanFord right?" Asks the mysterious voice from the blackened room.

"Why yes sir I made it my personal mission to make sure that was prepared for his mission" Says the Butler while taking a bow and leaving.

At StanFord High

" Okay guys you ready to go?" asks Patrick as he stand near M.J.'s locker.

"Yup!" M.J. says as he's done putting away his binders and slams the locker closed.

The group starts to head out the front entrance but is interrupted by a Man trying to vandalize the school!

"Hey! Stop right there!" shouts David as he tries to stop the guy but as he is about to grab him he vanishes.

"Huh?" Patrick makes a sound as he,Jesse and M.J. just witnessed it as well.

"You can't stop me if you can't keep up with me, For I am Rush Tackle!." Shouts the man as he reappears behind everyone.

The guys sit there in shock that a B-class villain is in front of them. They quickly look around and see that everyone has gone home and then they look at each other and by one the guys slowly get into costume. David quickly puts in the command to unfold his armor and Jesse takes of his clothes for he had his costume on underneath them, and Patrick slips on the padding of his armor and slips out his mask from his backpack. All that's left is M.J. who quickly pulls out the M.A.X game cartridge and.


Mighty Action X! Mighty Jump, Mighty Kick, Mighty, Mighty Actioon X

As a pink flash envelops M.J. as he is now in his Mighty X costume and crosses his arms forming an "x"with them

" Alright Rush let's see if you can clear this game" Mighty says as he jumps in the air and from behind him was Hakame firing a beam from his hands, while WolfnSteel starts running up to Rush and tries to grab him once again which ends up with him being hit by Hakmae's beam and tumbling down the front lands behind Rush and starts trying to kick Rush but he keeps dodging the kicks.

" Ha! You can't hit me!" Rush says as he continues to dodge each of the group's then proceeds to put his skills to good use dispatching the group one by one. First Hakame next WolfnSteel then Jesse and finally last but not least Mighty.

" They weren't even worth my time" Rush says as he speeds away leaving the group laying there unconscious.

Five Minutes Later

"Ugh! My head" M.J. says as he stumbles into the Orphanage and heads up to his room. He to a pain pill and lays down but not without clearing the final level of Gekitotsu Robots and falls asleep.

A red flash is scene from M.J.'s window

The Next Day

"What the hell!" M.J. shouts as he looks at a Red game cartridge that is on his bed

" It's a Gekitotsu Robots cartridge like the one for Mighty Action X?" M.J. mumbles out as he picks it up.

"Got to tell the guys about this" M.J. says as he runs down the stairs and onto his bike as he pedals to Patrick's house.

" So you're telling me that when you woke up this morning you had a cartridge of Gekitotsu like the one you have for Mighty Action?" Jesse says as the guys are all upstairs in Patrick's room discussing this new development and what they can do to stop Rush if he pops up again.

" Yes! I woke up and felt something stabbing my side and Bam! Its there. I don't know how but it exists now." M.J. says as he stares at the cartridge.

They were going to continue their talk until they hear sirens heading towards the elementary school. The group looks at each other before get changed into their gear and running full speed towards the school.

"Please don't hurt any of the kids" Shouts the Teacher as Rush just punches the teacher into the ground.

"Well I wouldn't have to if they would just shut up about that Mighty X guy" Rush says as he turns towards the cowering kids and look through the group and spots what he's looking for.

" Ha! Got ya" He says as he picks up Penny! As she starts to shake trying to get out of his hand.

"Let me go!" Penny shouts as Rush puts her face right in front his.

"Well I would but I need to teach you a lesson when it comes to shouting nonsense about stupid heroes!" he shouts as he goes and throws Penny towards a wall.


" Huh? That's not the sound it's supposed to make?" Rush says as he turns around to see Penny perfectly fine in the arms of WolfnSteel.

" Thank you mister!" Penny says as she is put down by Wolf and runs towards the other kids.

" Why you!" Rush shouts as he gets ready to charge at Wolf but is blown back by a Beam of energy.

"Thanks!" Wolf says as he look over to Hakame.

"No prob" Hakame says as he run over to make sure that the kids are okay same with Jesse.

"Why you damn heroes why do you keep getting in my way!" Shouts Rush as he tries to make a Beeline towards the kids but is stopped by a Black and Green shoe to the face.

"Yeah I don't think you're hurting anyone any more rush. Especially my first and biggest fan!" Mighty says as he gets in front of the kids.

"Mighty! You're here!" Penny shouts as the other kids look up at the heroes in awe.

"Oh Yeah! How are YOU going to stop me i'm the fastest man alive!" Shouts rush as he charges towards Mighty but doesn't land a hit as Mighty dodge's each attack that is thrown at then rolls out of the way and pulls out the Gekitotsu robots cartridge.

"With this!" Shouts Mighty


"A Gacha! Buttobase! Totsugeki! Gekitotsu Punch! Gekitotsu Robots!"

Beep! Boop!

Standing before the children and Rush is a new form. It's a new red and black chest piece and shoulder pieces as well as a red face plate that boxers wear as well as a golden V on the top as a crest over the Mighty X battle suit. But the most noticeable feature is the Giant robot hand on the right arm of Mighty.

" Mighty X! Level 3!" Mighty says as he gets in a boxing stance with the robot arm in back and his normal arm in front.

"Growl! You think a costume change is going to beat me! Think again!" Shouts Rush in anger and head at Mighty at his top speed ready to deal a heavy blow. It never hits! As soon as rush goes to let loose his punch Mighty grabs it with his normal arm and holds onto it tightly. And before Rush could comprehend what happened.

" Time for the Finisher" is heard from Mighty as he punches Rush straight in the chest and knocks the wind out of him but that's not all he starts to go flying up into the air as the robot arm detaches from Mighty and flies up towards the sky. And comes crashing down into the ground with it's rockets.

A few minutes later

As everyone is heading home Heroes,Children and Family as well as Police. We see the damage caused from Mighty X's finishing attack a giant crater in the ground with a indent at the bottom in the shape of Rush.

Scene fades to black

Tv turning on sound followed by static

In the same dark room form before its shows on the monitor a video recording of MIghty level 3 doing the finisher on Rush.

"Good Good he's learning how to use his abilities" The voice from the dark room says.

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