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Alec was in the kitchen leaning against the counter with blue baby in his arms. Crying. What he has been doing for the past. Four hours. "please max just take the bottle then go to sleep" Alec pleated. Max just screamed louder. Alec rubbed his face. Magnus was at a downworlder meeting so Alec was on his own tonight. "Blueberry please just stop crying" Alec said bouncing him on his side. But max was not stopping. Usually Alec could get him to stop but with his teething, it was a lot harder. Alec walked into his and magnus' room. The apartment was trashed, covered in toys, clothes, and god knows what else. Alec sat on his side of the bed, leaning against the head board. Max had thrown up on his shirt so he discarded it a while ago. Somewhere in the apartment. Alec propped his knees and laid max on his stomach putting his chin on the little warlocks head. He had stopped crying. Alec put the bottle to his lips and to Alec's relief he started drinking putting his little blue hands on Alec's wrists. "Thank you" Alec said. Max hummed as he finished his bottle. Alec started falling asleep. He was so tired he hadn't gotten any sleep in two days. Between the Institute and max. He was wiped. Max was falling asleep next to him. Before he knew it they were both asleep.


Magnus came home to a trashed apartment he looked around, the lights were still on. He walked into the kitchen the microwave clock read midnight. Magnus put down his bag down and took his coat off snapping his fingers as they went to there places. He walked into his room to see a half naked Alec asleep with a little warlock asleep next to him. Magnus smiled at his boys and he went back into the living room. "Looks like I need to clean up" Magnus said to himself as he rolled his purple silk shirt sleeves up. He cleaned the place up and put in a load of laundry. Most of Alec's shirts were covered in some sort of gross substance. Magnus finished and went back to his tiny family. He picked max up and took him over to his crib. Max stirred a little but went back to sleep. Magnus let out a breath then walked over to Alec. He sat on the bed next to him. He moved the piece of hair that always managed to fall in his face. Out of the way and kissed his nose. Alec groaned and his eyes fluttered open. Magnus smiled at him. "How was your day angel?" Magnus asked in a low voice making sure not to wake max. "Oh you know max commenced to scream for three no, four hours. Then he threw up all over my shirt then spilled a bottle on one. But enough about how I am running on no sleep and ten cups of coffee, how was the downworlder meeting?" Alec said. Magnus smiled at him again. "I love you I hope you know that and I am sorry I wasn't here today to help you with max, teething can be hard on a baby. As for the meeting it was the same as they always were. Long." Magnus said rubbing his eyes. He snapped his fingers and his makeup was off and he was in underwear and Alec's hoodie. "I am surprised that you found something of mine that isn't gross." Alec said with a chuckle. His eyes closed again. "Oh this came from the Institute, no way I trust any of your clothes here. No offense love." Magnus said brushing his lips lightly over Alec's. He smiled with his eyes still very much closed. Humming with pleasure. "Go to sleep Alexander" Magnus said laying down next to him. Alec instantly rolled his head onto Magnus' shoulder. He mumbled something that sounded like "I missed you". And Magnus just smiled at his cute boyfriend and fell asleep with him.


Alec woke up to max screaming. He rolled off of Magnus and looked at the clock. It read six. Alec sighed. "Don't worry about it Alec I got it." Magnus said getting out of bed. "You get more rest" he added. Walking over to max and picking him up and then left the bedroom. "Thank you Magnus". Alec said rolling over and falling back asleep. Magnus made max a bottle and handed it to him he grabbed it and started drinking it. Magnus put him in his high chair "You may be cute but you sure are trouble. Kind of like aunt Clary". Magnus said. Max just kept drinking his bottle. "You know your not a great conversationalist" Magnus said leaning on the counter and crossing his arms. Alec walked into the kitchen with his training clothes on. "What are you doing out of bed?" Magnus demanded. "It's the Shadowhunter in me, once I'm up I can't go back to sleep. No matter how tired I am. It sucks." Alec said walking and pouring himself a cup of coffee and taking a sip of it. " Well then I assume you are going to work?" Magnus asked turning to face his blue eyed beauty. "Yeah Jace needs me for some con clave thing, he was very vague on the phone." Alec said taking his lovers hand. "As Jace always is, just promise to be back by five" Magnus said. "six thirty" Alec said. "Alexander no, five" Magnus said firmly. "Ok I'll see you at five" Alec said kissing him and then ruffling maxes thick dark blue curls. Magnus heard the front door close. "Well it's just us now, what do you wanna do?" Magnus asked max. "Wow you wanna watch me clean the rest of the place?" Magnus said to him. "Wow when I get you talking there really is no shutting you up" Magnus said taking him out his high chair. He gave max a bath. Then they both got dressed. Magnus made the bed and walked into the living room. Chairman meow was laying on the couch. Magnus sat down. Max next to him chewing on a teething toy. Magnus looked at him. "Well blueberry you wanna watch tv" Magnus asked. "I knew you did" Magnus said turning the tv on.

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