Adventures and babysitting (with jace)

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"Come on Alec we haven't been out, on a real date since we got max" Magnus said to him following him from the kitchen to the baby's room. "I don't know magnus, who are we going to leave him with?" Alec asked picking max up and handing him his bottle. "Hmmm? How about your mom" Magnus asked rubbing his chin making a very adorable thinking face. "She is in Idris with Izzy, clary, and Simon". Alec said. "How about jace?" Magnus mentioned. "Before you say no Alexander, we are only a portal away" Magnus said putting a comforting hand on his arm. Alec sighed. "Fine I'll go call him. But if anything goes wrong we come home immediately" Alec said. "Of course darling" Magnus said taking max out of his hands, so he could call jace.


Alec walked into there living room which was neat and tidy as it always is. He took out his cell phone and sighed he started dialing jace's number. He stood in front of the couch waiting for jace to answer. He never answers it right away he doesn't like to seem desperate, which Alec finds funny. "Hello" he heard jace say.  "I need a favor" Alec said firmly. "Wow Alec no. Hi jace, nice to hear your voice jace." He mocked. "Jace I need you to watch max tonight. Please" Alec blurted out. "Oh um I don't know Alec" jace said nervously. "Please jace, me and Magnus haven't been out alone in forever. Alec said. "Alright I'll be over in an hour" he said sighing. "Thank you jace I really appreciate it" Alec said.


Jace knocked on the door. Magnus opened it. "Hello jace it's good to see you" Magnus said letting him in. Jace looked at magnus. He was wearing a cobalt blue silk sequence shirt with a black jacket and black dress pants. Jace always gave props to magnus for the kinds of clothes he wore, and pulled off. "It's no problem magnus. Alec is my brother I'll do anything for him" jace said taking his leather jacket off. And putting it on the couch. Alec came out holding max. He looked really nice he had a black dress shirt and black skinny jeans on. He handed max to jace. "Don't look at me like that Alec, we got this" jace said looking at max. "Ok if you need us just call. He just had his bottle so he will need two more. One at 6 and one at 9. He goes to bed right after his bottle and he also needs to be bathed before the bottle." Alec said. "Come on Alexander max will be fine". Magnus said pushing him out the door. "We will be back before 1 am." Magnus said waving his hand to close the door. Jace saw a spark of blue and Alec say something like "that late?". "We got this max. Right?" Jace asked.


Jace looked at the clock it said 5:30pm. Jace sighed. "What do you even do?" Jace asked max who was siting on the floor with his toys. "Well you might be cute but I am bored, you wanna play a game of watch uncle Jace train?" Jace asked while dangling upside down off the couch. Max just stared at him. "Well it's 30 minutes until your next bottle so let's do something" jace said getting off the couch and picking max up. He put him in his high chair. Max just started screaming. "What did I do?!" Jace asked looking at him. "Oh maybe your hungry, Alec said there was a bottle in the fridge I just had to heat it up with water and test it on my wrist" Jace said getting it out of the fridge he warmed it up then he set the bottle on his wrist. "I don't see how this checks it" jace said. Picking it up and tasting it. "Ew this is gross, but not hot, so here you go" jace said handing it to him. Max took it and started drinking it.


"Alexander put your phone away, max will be fine" Magnus said pulling his hand down the streets of New York. Alec sighed and put his phone back in his leather jacket pocket. "Fine you have my full undivided attention" Alec said pulling Magnus' arm and kissing him. Magnus sighed happily . "See this is nice, angel please just try and enjoy yourself" Magnus said looking into his blue eyes. Alec nodded and took his hand again and started walking. "As long as I'm with you I will be enjoying myself" Alec said. Magnus smiled and they walked to there date.

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