Zombies are Brainless. So am I considered dumb?

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I get A+ in school.

Actually, I got all the grades at least once.

Mostly A's.

Why am I talking about grades? Well I've been thinking. Zombies are brainless. So how do they react to my movment, or rather, anything? Also, zombies have got some stink.

Yes, It's a zombie apocalypse.

Yes, I am a sixteen year old girl. With no real family, ever. No really, I have been a foster kid my whole life.

Yes, I am alone.

And so, cause I have NO ONE to talk to, I found this note book in the Store, lying on the cold hard floor, grabbed a new mechanical pencil (Extra led because I ALWAYS run out.) and started a diary.

Because, hopefully, if I don't survive, and the new race begins, I would like someone to find this diary, so they would read about the HARSH times of life. Harsher than the Revolution.

So, get ready to read about my dangerous, zombie apocalyptic life.

Cause I'm Isla Niles.

Hope you liked the first chapter! Also sorry it's short. I'll update soon cause I am soooo excited to be writing this. Also, the whole gloomy mood is adding to the excitement. I just feel like at any second a portal of zombies and monsters will open and start destroying the human race. Yeah. Bye!

-Evie Out!

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