Heartbroken love part 2

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Yuki-last part of this and every thing will get back to the haikyuu texting thingy so ya lesh begin

Nishinoya's pov:today was a stress day as fuck cuz we I mean I lost to a hand wrestling with ryuu nest time I will beat him and today of course the day I confess to Asahi-san because I had to tell him how much I love him now buttttttttt there's one small fucking problem um it's at practice and if I tell him y'know like they will scream into like "OmG NiShInOyA-sAn cOnGrAtS" it's fucking annoying well the thing I'd expect him to say yes but he brought a freaking girl in the middle of practice and I guess that chance I had was gone......well they were there to comfort me but it still hurts........

Asahi-san's pov: Yuki- I got nothing too put here because this story doesn't make sense so QnA questions I will ask UvU

1.who your fav ship
2.who do you want to see suffer for the coming up chapters
3.should I make another book for haikyuu Zodiacs and bnha
4.fav character in the story so far

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