Chapter 4

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Mega opened his phone and went over to contact. He scroll down, excited to call his perfect boyfriend. He pressed on the person he wanted to call.

Beep beep

"Hello?" Mega greeted. "Hello sunshine. How are ya?" Zelk flirt. "I'm fine. You?" Mega smiled. He felt happy talking to his boyfriend as they can't really talk because know what I mean.

"I great, oh and I got a call from Ivy yesterday. She told me you stayed at her house..?"


"Cool! Just to let you know, I'm coming in a week. So, I'll meet you there?"

"Of course"

"Well then I'll see you there. I love you!"

"Love you too"

Mega looked over to the little kitten and pets it. He put his phone back in his pocket. "Who were you calling?" a high pitched female voice asked. "Ah!- Jesus Natalia" Mega screamed.

Natalia giggled. "I was talking to someone. Someone important" Mega continued petting the helpless kitty. Natalia sat down beside Mega and notices the kitty.

"What happened to it" Natalia asked, shaking a little bit. "Your mom happened" Mega look over. "Are you okay?" Mega asked, concerned of his cousin.

"What did she do..?"

"She..threw him over the gate"

Natalia sighed picking up the kitty. "Why would she do such thing to Casper?" she muttered. "Casper is his name?" Mega asked.

"Yeah, I hid him in the shed. Not sure how he got out"

Mega look down. "This is all my fault" he mumbled quietly. "It's almost lunch. C'mon I'll bring you some food" Natalia offered. Mega nodded.


"Nate, where are you bringing those food to?" Natalia's mom asked. "Upstairs. Y'know as my snack" Natalia answered. She didn't dare to look at her mother after of what she had done to her pet, Casper.

Knock knock

"Haha just kidding. Thought I was going to give you some privacy? Well, you thought wrong" Natalia laughed sarcastically. Mega looked at her, annoyed. 'Ugh she's been like this ever since we met' he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry not sorry" Natalia continued laughing. "Here are the food I promised" she puts a tray of food on Mega's table.

"Thanks" Mega laid down on his bed. "You're welcome" Natalia did her cringy finger gun at Mega. She plop down onto her bed.

Yes they share a room. Don't question my actions, just go with it

She pulled out her phone which she hasn't touch all day. As soon as she opens it, notifications came flooding in but only one caught her eye. 'Ivy texted me!' she screeched.

She opened it

Do you wanna hang out today?
12:09 p.m.
A/N: Boom double update.

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