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We were so happy that time. Hugging, talking to each other, and enjoying each others company. Until you brought up that you were leaving.

"Minji-ah" seungcheol softly called her while hugging her.
"Yes oppa" she answered him with the lovely voice seungcheol will surely miss.
"I have something to tell you. I hope you understand." He said to her. Minji was confused so she look up to him. " What is it oppa? You know that I will understand it." She said while looking at him lost. "I am leaving tomorrow, minji ah. I got accepted in the company I audition. The one that I told you about." He said nearly crying but held it back because he didn't to leave her alone." Really seungcheol oppa? Omg! I am really happy for you! This had been your dream oppa! You made it!" She said happily. But seungcheol just sighed and look at her straightly.
"Why oppa? Is something bothering you? Don't worry oppa I can take care of myself!" She said but what seungcheol said was a really big impact to her that made to tears. "Minji-ah let's break up. The company doesn't want any relationship during training and debuting. And I will be very busy to the point I can't even hold my phone for 5 minutes." He said not looking at her. Minji was tearing up after she heard about it. "But oppa you know I can wait. Please don't break up with me!" She said, pleading to him. Seungcheol stood up breaking the hug. "That is not the point. You know that this had been my dream minji. Please! I hope you understand!" Seungcheol said to her. "But you will come back right?" Minji asked desperate for seungcheol to not break their relationship. " I don't know when but I will." Seungcheol said turning his back to her ready to leave. "Fine. Thank you seungcheol! Remember that I love you! Please come back!" She said. After that seungcheol just walk away leaving her behind in her crying state. Minji cried and cried while looking at seungcheol whose slowly disappearing at her sight. She cried there for almost two hours and decided to walk home. Not minding her horrible state.


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