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I get to the park and instantly hear a familiar voice,
"Leah!" Theo yells smiling and pulls me into a tight hug. I hug back weakly.
"What's up?" He asks pulling away and looking into my eyes.
He's so sweet.
"Theo.." I begin, trying to find the words to say without hurting him to much.
"Tell me in a min. I just- wanted to say. Leah you're amazing, you mean everything to me." He beams at me and holds my hand. "I've never felt as happy" he continues "as when I'm with you. And I really do wanna spend the rest of my life with you." He finishes and kiss me softly. I don't kiss back, a tear falling down my face.

"Theo- I.." I trail pulling back from him.
His expression falls as he notices.
"Leah what is it.."
"We can't.. I can't.. I.." I swallow hard "Theo you've always been my best friend.. and I love you.. like a best friend.."
I watch the light fade from his eyes as he steps back.

"I really did like you for a while Theo. I wasn't trying to hurt you or anything.. but I saw jamie and" I try explain but he cuts me off.
"Jamie. You're leaving me for Jamie." He states dryly.
"He can be soft Theo. He can care. He's sorry."
I try to justify Jamie.
He shakes his head and turns to go
"When he hurts you I'll still be here.. I'll always be here.." he mutters and my heart drops.
"Theo.." I wipe my eyes "don't wait for me.."
He sighs,

"I know.. I'll be here for you, as your friend." He smiles slightly but I can still see the pain behind it.
I grab his hand and pulls him back round into a hug, not even thinking before I do. This time he's the one to hug back loosely and I pull away
"I'll cya around theo.."
He nods and walks away.
I stand there alone for a few seconds before trying to make my way back to Jamie's.
As I walk back down the shadowed streets I begin to feel a chill down me, this way didn't seem so bad when I was with Jamie.
I hear footsteps behind me and my breath quickens.

Other people exist. You're fine.
My thoughts get interrupted as a hand clasps over my mouth.
I begin to struggle as they wrap there hand around my waist, my eyes beginning to well with tears.
"Who.." I begin to try talk but stop when the sound barely breaks through their hand.

I'm suddenly hit by a sharp pain in my neck. I grown for a second before everything goes dark.
I'm unconscious.

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