part 2 ↝ zach and bailey

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Narrator's POV:

Zach's fingers interlaced with Bailey's. The new couple were in the honeymoon phase, with no conflicts in sight.

Until now.

Zach's POV:

"Hey, you wanna do something? Scrabble? Maybe get a couple point with acopalypse? Or zombly?" I laugh as I play with her ears.

"I can't. Lemme finish this work." Bailey responds without even look at me.

20 minutes later...

"Okay, you know what? You keep doing that, I'm going to our room." I rise and leave everyone.

I can't even deal with her anymore. I sound like a sap, but she literally never spends any time with me anymore.

When we first started dating, we couldn't get enough of each other. I mean, we've had to keep it secret, but, not to sound corny, forbidden love made it sweeter.

Bailey's POV:

After Zach storms off, I can't help be annoyed. 

Like, seriously. I try to chase after him, but make sure none of the other couples see me angry. Zailey is the newest couple, last thing I need is for us to be the problematic one.

I run into his room and see him lying on his bed.

"What do you want?" he seems to have let some of his anger go, because he just sounds tired.

"I seriously cannot believe you. I spend, what, half an hour on work. I'm sorry, you know that, but could you give me just one break on this. Because you know, I have a real job. Not just hanging around with my friends for money." I whisper scream to him.

He sits up, irritated.

"Don't even Bailey. One break? You're constantly on your phone, 'doing work.' We haven't spent quality time together for months." he stomps off towards his drawer and starts undressing.

The fact he has taut, defined abs doesn't help my case of being furious.

"Great strategy. You know I'm right, so of course, you haven't showered in days but you still feel the need to shower. SUUUUUUURRRRREEEE!" 

He slams the door, leaving me in silence.

So much for keeping this fight a secret. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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