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Genre:fluff cause Yuna is 16
Title:Bully's affection

"Yuna! Istg! You're so irritating!" You say as the girl pesters you to do her homework.

She shoots you a glare.

"Y/ won't want SinB to get tortured again? Do you!?" She shouts.

You instantaneously agreed to do her homework.

"Why do you care about SinB so much?!" She shouts in frustration.
She curses under her breath before staring into your eyes.

"I may be 16 Y/N...but I know how to play."

"Get to your work!" She shouts.

You nodded and started doing her work. She watched you like a hawk, making sure you dont run off.

"Y/n..." she mutters

"Y-yea?" You responded

"Hurry up." She coldly states.

You immediately picked up the pace, hoping the barbie wont hurt SinB.

The girl meant so much to you. You would give up the world for her. She was your best friend. Basically your sister.

"I'm done Yuna. Please don't hurt SinB"

She glared at you. She snatched the paper from your hand.

"I better get a B+" she says before leaving the room.

You settle down in your chair before hearing someone clear their throat.

"Y/n!!" You saw your happy jolly friend waltz into the classroom.

Your face lights up.

"Annyeong, SinB!" You greated


Yuna glared at the girl and stormed off.

These emotions were messing with Yuna. She wanted to hurt Y/n but she couldn't.

She wanted to torture SinB, but she didn't know why?...after all, SinB had been her crush.

"SinB-ah~ you're being cheesy again" Y/N said as she wrapped her arm around SinB's waist.
Yuna glared at the girls. She was jealous, not because of Y/n, but because of the affection SinB was getting from Y/n.

A trigger was set off.
Tears began to form in Yuna's eyes. Her vision became foggy.
She ran towards the garden in Hopes that it would calm her down.

But sadly, nothing did. She just cried there.

"Yuna-ssi...." Yuna heard from behind. She turned around to see Yeji.

Yeji put her arm around Yuna and comforted the girl.

"Who do I have to beat up?"


"What? Isn't she your crush?"

"I dont know anymore Yeji-ah"

Yeji looked confused. But still, she balled her fist. Seeing her Best friend cry this much made her heart crack.

"What did she do? Did she reject you?"

"No Yuna. Y/n.....y/n loves her, probably"

"Wait you like y/n?"

Yuna slowly nodded her head. Her cheeks flared up. She started crying more.

After a long thought process Yeji guiltily said


"We cant continue like this. Beating people up..."

"I know..b..but...I mean, you're right"

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