The First Cases

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Where: Newcastle Upon Tyne, England

Date: 31 December 2019

Source: Aljazeera,


Two people confirmed to have tested positive for Coronavirus. Same family. 

They were two Chinese people on holiday to the UK, planning to stay in York after arriving in Newcastle.

They are receiving healthcare from the NHS and tried and tested infection control procedures to prevent spreading the virus.

 An information campaign was launched as soon as it was confirmed to advise people how to lessen the risk of spreading the virus.

Caused to bring 150 UK citizens, on holiday,  back from China, on the same week on Friday.

BBC have confirmed the spread to the UK on 31st January 2020

Further testing will happen to find out if the virus is infecting these people too.

Further information to know about any further cases. But we won't know what's going to happen.

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