Chapter 1

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"I promise I'll call you as soon as we land." I told my little sister, Caitlin. She frowned at me. "I still don't see why you have to move all the way to California. You can just get a job down here!" "I already told you why. Hawaii doesn't have enough opportunities. I'm moving to Cali so I can expand my career!" I sighed. Caitlin pouted and deepened her frown even more. She's 19 but sometimes still acts like she's nine.

"Will all passengers boarding flight 172 please report to Gate 21. Thank you." The intercom crackled. "That's my cue. Bye Caitlin." I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back. "I'll miss you." She cried into my shoulder. "I'll miss you too."

I grabbed my bags and heads towards Gate 21. I could feel Caitlin still staring at me, so I turned around and have her one last wave. She smiled and waved back.

I boarded the plane, put my carry-on into the overhead compartment, and flopped down into my seat. Fortunately, I had an aisle seat and the chair next to me was empty. I looked out the window while the plane took off. I guess now is a good time to explain myself.

My name is Kiara Matsumoto. I am 22 years young. I have dark brown hair that reaches to my thighs ( yeah, I know, its long), my eyes are crystal blue, I have a few freckles here and there, and my birthday is January 6th. Oh, and I'm a huge fan of R5. They make great music. Not to mention that they're really cute too. If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be a tie between Rydel and Riker. Rydel is just so quirky and awesome and so is Riker.

Anyways, the reason I'm moving to California is because I was offered to work as an assistant for the manager of Hollywood Records. I want to be a record label producer.

Courtesy of my aunt, I already have an apartment waiting for me in Los Angeles. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I didn't leave Caitlin in Hawaii all by herself. She has my dad to support her.

I unbuckled myself from my seat and grabbed my neck pillow from my bag. It'll be morning by the time we land, so I guess I should just get some sleep. I placed my pillow around my neck and closed my eyes the constant humming of the plane's engine calmed my mind and I fell into a dreamless slumber.

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