Chapter 2

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"Comone guys times a wastin!" Qrow yelled from the living room Area. "Ya on our way!" Ruby yelled once more. "Ok come on guys let's move out!" She yelled fist pumping the air beside her.
"Ya let's go on an adventure!" Yelled jaune and Oscar high fiving one another as they all moved towards the door. They all started to say their goodbyes to the house as they left for the train station and all was well till later on the train.

"So how long is it going to take for us to get there?" Ruby asked as she skipped to qrows Side. "well it'll take about a week on the trains
Which makes me glad we're taking the train because if not it might have taken us months!" He said as he ruffled her hair. "Ya wait a week!"
She slumped her shoulders back and groaned before she felt a small punch on her arm. "vail!" Said Oscar in a triumphant tone, "that's one point for me!" He said agne "oh so now we're playing the license plate game hu!? Well ok change accepted bring it on Oscar pine!" They continued to slap or punch each other until they got inside.

"Ok, are we ready? The train will be here any minute now." Said Qrow as he took out his scroll to check the time. "Hey Oscar, can I talk to Oz for a bit?" "Sure thing." He said as he gave Oz control for a second "yes Qrow what would you like to talk about?" He asked in his calm smooth voice.
Oscar could never get used to the feeling of his mouth moving without him telling it to. "Well are we sure going to atlas was really the right way to go?" He asked in a hushed tone. "Look Qrow, do you trust me?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Qrow "I asked do you trust me?" Qrow looked at him with a blank face "always oz." ozpin sighed "good then I must share this with you the process is almost complete and I will see to exist." Qrow looked at him with surprise "what!?" He was quickly cut off "Oscar will inherit my strength,skill,agility,and knowledge and I will cease to exist ever again. Do you understand this Qrow?" He gave a small nod. "Good oh and while I have Oscar blocked if Oscar and ruby fall in love who are you to stop them?" Qrow just sat there in a state of shock.

"Oz what are you saying!?" He said with a questioning look on his face "I can feel it Qrow I should know I've gone through this before love can't be stopped so why stop it? Thank you Qrow now let's get back to the group. Oz started to walk back from where he and Qrow were  standing giving full control back to Oscar
"You know what they were talking about over there?" Ruby asked as they reached for each other's hands but quickly stopped as Blake was walking their way but passed them to go to the bathroom. They both gave a sigh of relief

"That was a close call!" Oscar said as he shyly looked away "Ya." She said as she rubbed the side of her arm. "Look ruby should we keep doing this?!" He asked as he moved her face to look at him. "Yes of course I love you! And you know why we have to keep it a secret! They won't approve of us!" She said in a hushed tone.
"I know I love you too! You drive me crazy in every possible way but I'm getting tired of not being able to be with you the way a couple should." He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. She pulled him into a tight hug with tears in their eyes but they immediately broke apart when they heard the sound of the train coming.

Once the train came to a full stop they quickly got on and went to their rooms. Once they got there they simply dictated who would sleep where
Qrow got one of the rooms with one bed and Oscar got the other all the girls in one that had five beds and the rest of the boys in another which only had two beds. After that they just went on with the rest of their day talking and having fun before they all went to bed "Oz isn't me and ruby wired for you?" Oscar said as he flopped down onto the bed. "No not really I've been alive a long time and Through those lives I've learned many things and one is that you don't mess with love. Love will do what it wants and none can stop it so I trust you both." He said in a Reassuring tone. "Thank you oz." he said as he tried to fall into a deep sleep.

8:00,10:00,12:00... "ahhhhh!" He Groaned as he sat up with frustration. "Why can't I sleep!" "May I suggest you take a walk?" Oz said before fading back into the berths of his mind. "Well it couldn't hurt?" He grabbed his jacket and walked out of his room and made his way to the back of the train as he opened the door and to his surprise ruby was standing there with a shawl around her shoulders as she looked at the night sky.
"I see I'm not the only one who can't sleep." He said in a joking tone as he walked up next to her.
"O-oh hi Oscar you scared me!" She punched him in the shoulder. "Oh come on i didn't mean to make you so Grimm!" She punched him in the shoulder again. "Don't become yang!" She said as she looked away from him. "Oh c'mon you know you love me!" He grabbed her waist and pulled her close. "Ah!" She squealed as she wrapped her arms around his neck "fine you win I love you!" She giggled. "Say that again?!" He said jokingly. "Ok ok I love you!" She whispered in his ear before he brought their lips together into a Passionate kiss.

They broke apart to catch their breath before ruby gave him a sweet smile and Oscar wrapped his arms around her in a sweet embrace.
"Oscar can you promise me something?" Ruby said in a seldom voice "yes of course you can!" He said as he kissed the top of her head.
"Promise me you'll never leave my side." Her eyes watered as she grasped his hand in here's
"I promise with all my heart I will never ever leave you!" He hugged her tighter. "Ok well let's go back we need to rest." He said as they walked together back to their rooms he kissed her hand as she went back to her room and he walked to his before he felt a tug on his sleeve.

He turned around and saw ruby "c-can I stay with you for the night?!" She looked down in shyness.
But before she could say anything else he pulled her inside and they both flopped on the bed laughing. "Oscar I love you!" She said as she snuggled into his chest. "I loved you too!" He said before he started kissing her up and down her neck which made her moan before she pushed him away. "Oscar w-we can't!" She said before he started again. "Oh but we can do nothing." And she slowly started to Saccom to his touch and...


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