Chapter 3

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My heart was pounding furiously in my chest. I had absolutely no idea what to do in this moment. The most obvious option was for me to leave the bed, get dressed, and talk to Regina about what had happened exactly.

But I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to get dressed and I most certainly didn't want to talk about it.

Regina was still asleep. She looked rather adorable and oddly human. She often put on a mask for other people and I didn't think I'd ever seen her this peaceful.

She moved closer to me and pressed her naked body against mine. A soft sigh of content left my lips and I stroked her bare back softly.

I just needed to enjoy this moment of being in her arms. Of having my literal dream come true. Regina had far exceeded all the expectations I'd had. She'd been absolutely right when she'd said she'd blow my mind. I didn't think I'd ever climaxed as intensely as with Regina.

Killian was great in bed too, but he was no woman. I'd only once before slept with a woman. Pregnant and young in jail was a trigger on my hormones and at one point I was just horny 24/7.

It was clear that Regina had some experience and she was good. And so sexy. The way she moved her body, the way she'd grinded on top of me, that sight alone had almost made me come.

I kissed the top of her head gently and smiled. Perhaps there was nothing to worry about. Regina and I had slept together, but that didn't need to be a bad thing. Maybe it was a good thing to do this after all these years. There wouldn't be that severe consequences.

My hand traveled over Regina's back, caressing the smooth skin, when I suddenly heard someone on the stairs. "Mom!" My eyes widened. If Henry were to come in, we were doomed.

I nudged Regina's body, until she slowly opened her eyes. "Swan," was all she said in a raspy voice and I got goosebumps in my neck just from hearing her talk. Still so sexy.

"Henry is home," I said, alarmed, and Regina was immediately awake. She sat up straight and covered her breasts with the duvet, like I'd never seen them before.

"Henry?" Regina said loudly. Henry approached the door and knocked. "Hold on a moment, Henry, I'm almost ready."

Regina jumped off the bed and put on her pantsuit. I didn't think I've ever seen anyone dress this quickly and within thirty seconds, Regina looked organized as ever.

She turned to me and pursed her lips together. "Not a word," she muttered and opened her bedroom door. She closed it, once she'd left the room and I felt pretty unsure.

I didn't really know what to do next, but when I heard the two of them descending the stairs, I went to the guest room and got dressed.

When I got downstairs as well, Regina greeted me as though we hadn't fucked all night. She prepared breakfast as I inquired Henry about Violet and him, annoying him to the bone.

I had no idea how things were going to go from now on, but when Henry went to his own room, while Regina and I were having breakfast, the woman grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry I acted this way," she said, softly. "I don't think it's a good idea for Henry to know what happened between us. I did love it, though. I haven't had such a great night in.. forever."

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