Chapter 4

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Back to present, Emma and Killian's wedding.


I slowly turned my head to Archie, who looked rather concerned. I felt numb. My heart was pounding slowly, I didn't feel any excitement in my body, especially not when I thought of the future that was lying in front of me if I said "yes", right now.

But what else could I do? Apart from Henry, I didn't have anything else to live for. My parents had started a new family and Henry was growing up. It wouldn't be long until he'd found his own place in the world.

At least I'd still be with a man who loved me and who I love too, in some way. I was ready to settle down with someone, but when I looked back at Killian, I realized that someone wasn't him. I didn't know who it was yet, but I was sure it wasn't him.

My eyes drifted off to Regina, who looked rather worried and shifted in her seat. She'd made it clear that she didn't want to start anything with me, but the kind of exhilaration she'd made me feel.. that was what I was looking for in a relationship. Not a man that deserved someone else.

I slowly stepped backwards and looked at Archie. His eyebrow shot up and I shook my head, before I started running. I was glad I'd decided not to wear heels and I easily got away from everyone. They were probably too stunned to move, anyway.

But I didn't have anywhere to go. If I were to go home, everyone would find me within minutes. I didn't want to be found. I wanted to be free.

So, I kept on running, with no destination in mind, and surprisingly enough, I arrived at the cemetery. It had the opposite tension and atmosphere as twenty minutes earlier, but it was exactly what I needed.

I could see Regina's vault in the distance and the urge to go inside grew with the second. No one would find me there. Why would they? Everyone would be looking at obvious places, not in a creepy cellar in the middle of a cemetery.

The door was unlocked, as always. I got inside and felt goosebumps erupt in my neck. It was a whole lot scarier without Regina to lead the way.

Her father's grave was in the middle of the small room and I pushed it aside as I'd seen her done oh so many times. It was dark downstairs, but I didn't mind. I needed to clear everything up, because my feelings were all over the place.

I'd just abandoned my fiance.

I'd left him at the altar.

I was a horrible person.

My breathing increased and I sat down on some fancy, weird looking chair Regina had placed in her vault. I rested my head and exhaled loudly. It was insane, what I'd done, but I felt so much better than I did before.

These past few weeks, planning this wedding, had been awful. Everyone was stressed, the entire time, and meanwhile I didn't speak to Regina at all.

I'd hoped we'd remain friends, but she clearly needed some time, processing everything that had happened and frankly, so did I.

Though, it really wasn't supposed to mean anything, the events that had occured between us had had a bigger impact of me than I'd anticipated. We probably should have done it years ago, just to get it all out of our system.

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