Jachary- Cuddles and Confessions

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     The pandemic had turned the boy's lives completely upside down. They went from touring the world and seeing places they'd never been before, to being completely isolated  in quarantine.

As you can expect, like many others facing this drastic change, their mental health declined rapidly after the first lockdown.

Jack was lucky enough to be stuck with his best friend, and it was the only thing keeping him sane, Zach was the only thing that made sense in a time where everything was an unknown.

When would he get to see his family again?

When would he get to see the rest of the boys again??

Was everyone in his family safe??

He couldn't answer these questions and if terrified him, so being with Zach and knowing that he was okay was the only thing that gave him the slightest comfort.

Jack was always closer to Zach than he was with any of the other boys, that's why they ended up getting an apartment together towards the end of last year.

It was a cute little two bedroom, that was perfect for the both of them.

Jack secretly wished it had been a one bedroom, but alas, that was something that Jack was sure would never be more than senseless wish.

Zach was straight, and Jack hadn't told Zach that he was in love with him.

Hell, he hadn't even come out to him.

Jack knew he was lucky to even get to be friends with someone as incredible as Zach, and he would be damned if he screwed it up over his stupid feelings.


    Jack was in his room watching TVD, he had been writing lyrics for that last two hours and decided he needed a break.

Suddenly, there was a knock at his door.

It had to be none other than Zach, seeing as he was the only other person to step foot into the apartment for three weeks.

"Jack, can I come in" Zach asked with that voice that always made Jacks knees weak.

"Of course man, door's unlocked" he said trying to sound casual.

The door opened to reveal Zach in a pair of plaid pajama pants and a plain black long sleeve.

Zach walked in and hopped on the side of the bed opposite Jack.

"So we're watching the vampire diaries, hell yeah" Zach exclaimed.

Zach was focused in on the tv and didn't notice that Jack wasn't even watching anymore, he was to busy focusing on the angel that had just jumped into his bed.

Jack knew that if he said anything he risked ruining their friendship, and he knew that Zach wasn't gay, but because of that he also knew he had to set some boundaries.

He couldn't handle Zach in his bed like this knowing nothing will ever happen between them.

Of course that also meant a conversation that he dreaded more than anything, he just prayed Zach would be understanding.

"Zach, I need to talk to you, but it's kinda serious" Jack said pausing the show.

Zach turned his body so that he was facing the other.

"What is it?" He asked.

"This is going to sound crazy, and I think you might hate me after this." Jack said nervously, looking anywhere but in Zach's eyes.

"You know I could never hate you right, that does sound crazy." Zach said, while letting out a laugh that made butterflies go straight to Jacks soul.

"Zach I'm sorry I'm advanced for everything I'm about to say." He paused, taking a deep breathe, then he went for it.

"Zach, I'm bisexual. I know you aren't homophobic, so you're probably wondering why I'm so upset. It's just that being bi means that I can catch feelings for guys too, ya know. Maybe that doesn't bother you, shit, I hope it doesn't. The problem is that I did catch feelings for someone, feelings that I've never felt before, and I don't think you are going to want to be around me anymore once you know who it is." Jack ranted out, kinda having a panic attack.

"Jack, calm down, okay? You know I don't care about something as silly as who you love, but you like someone??" Zach said sounding a little disappointed.

Jack was confused by that, but he was to stressed out to ponder it.

"Yes, and I know you are going to hate me, so I'm just gonna rip the band aid off and get this over with. Okay, here I go. It's you Zach, I like you." Jack said before closing his eyes in the hopes to shut out the cruel world after the confession he had just made. 

Shock spread across Zach's face, before he did something Jack never even dreamed off.

Zach leant I'm and gently placed his lips on Jacks, causing him to open his eyes in shock.

After a minute, the two pulled back from the kiss for air.

"What was that?" Jack asked, completely bewildered.

"Since we're making confessions tonight, I caught feelings for you too. I just thought you were straight, so I never really said anything. I sure am glad that one of us had the balls to do it though." Zach told him with a smile.

"That is NOT how I expected this to go. So does this mean, that we are like together now. Holy shit that, sounds crazy to say." Jack laughed.

"Yeah, I think that means we are together now." Zach said with a smile, leaning in to softly kiss the boy once more.

"Somebody pinch me." Jack mumbled against Zach's lips.

"How about I hold you instead?" Zach said lifting the other boy so that he was sitting in between his legs and they were both facing the tv.

He wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller boy and then pressed play on the remote.

They spent the rest of the night cuddled up watching TVD, every now and then Zach would pull the boy closer and place a kiss on his neck.

Falling asleep in Zach's arms, Jack realized that no matter what, he would make it out of this pandemic okay.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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