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Tord Pov:

Just the thought of Tom with so many guys and what could've happened if I didn't come at the time I did makes me so uneasy... Would he has escalated with one of them? Or worse, all of them?

"What? Are you jealous because I'm hanging out with such big, strong men~? Or is it because I'm flirting with people other than you~?"

Is this jealousy that I'm feeling? Or is it just worry for his safety? Either way, it hurts... Didn't he say that I was perfect for whatever the hell is going on in his head? Then shouldn't he still be caught up on me? Maybe I should talk to Christine about this...

I reach for my phone on my bedside table, but I don't feel it so I turn over on my bed to look, it's gone? Where did it go? I get up from my bed and look around my room, where the Hell did it go? I could've sworn I left it on my bedside table when I came in here...

Tom Pov:

"Perfect," I whisper as I smirk. Making fake texts with two phones is easy, it's just a back and forth conversation with yourself, except in this case it's sexual.

Edd's girlfriend isn't all she seems, she takes pictures of herself naked daily and posts them on websites for money, but obviously Edd wouldn't know that since those types of jobs are secret.

This makes this plan all the more fun, pictures make everything more believable, which the nudes of Angelina and the pictures of Tord and Christine will make this plan pitch perfect...

Tord Pov:

I walk into the living room where Edd and Matt sit on the couch and watch the television, I ask them, "Have you guys seen my phone? I swear I left it on my bedside table, but I can't find it anywhere in my room."

Edd and Matt turn to me and shrug, Edd says, "I don't know, maybe you left it at Christine's place?"

"Maybe, can I borrow the car to drive to her place to check Edd?" I ask with a begging expression, Edd is usually the one to drive and he knows I sometimes go to fast by accident, or on purpose but I don't think I'd get pulled over so easily.

"Okay, but just be careful with it, the last time you drove the car I had to pay eight parking tickets and six speeding tickets," Edd says with a annoyed look.

"I said I was sorry about that," Edd sighs and takes the keys out of his pocket, tosses them to me and I catch them. "Thanks Edd!" I then run out the door before Edd can threaten me, he does that quite often whenever I leave to take the car.

It takes a few minutes to drive to Christine's apartment, but when I arrive there Christine ends up saying to me, "Sorry, I cleaned my entire apartment yesterday and I didn't find any phones laying around."

I sigh and turn to walk away from the front door as I say, "Well thanks for letting me know and not having me have to search for it on my own."

Before I can leave, Christine says, "Wait, Tord."

I turn to her and ask, "Yeah?"

"Could I actually talk to you for a minute inside? It's about you and Tom,"

I give her a confused look before saying, "Uhh.. Sure?" I then follow her inside her apartment. She has a very neat apartment, she's even told me herself that she's a neat freak, which I'm definitely not. We sit on the couch and she looks at me with a smile. "What is it you want to talk to me about?"

"Look, I know it may seem like I'm assuming things when I say this but.." Christine begins and I raise a eyebrow. "I know you have a thing for Tom."

I go silent for a moment to process what she said before yelling, "HUH?! What the HELL gave you that idea?!"

"You talk about him nonstop and you sometimes go on to tangents about how much he's changed to someone you like, besides the coo coo crazy part," My eye twitches and my jaw slightly drops as she continues. "And a few days ago while he was flirting with all those guys at the bar, I could sense how much jealousy you had and how much of a urge you had to beat those drunkards up."

"Total assumption Christine, there's no way in hell I can like someone as crazy as Tom!"

"That's the thing, you do like him. It shows on your face every time you talk about him in a kind way. You may not notice how you look when you recall everything you like about him, but you gain such a gentle expression and your voice becomes super soft,"

"Oh come on Christine-"

"I'm serious! You like some parts of his crazy side, you said yourself when Tom would get flirtatious with you your heart would pound!"

"But anyone who flirts with another person would get that kind of response! It's only natural for that to happen!" I look away with a dark blush dusting my cheeks, this is a super embarrassing conversation...

"Tord look at me," I quickly sigh and look at her, she puts a hand on mine and says in a serious voice, "We're best friends Tord, you don't have to lie to me. You've already told me so much that would scare the regular person away, telling me that you love a brainwashed person won't surprise me or make me upset."

"Christine I don-..." The way she looks at me, it's so serious.. I'm not used to it... it's like she's staring deep into my soul to make me answer in the most honest way I could ever answer... "I.."

Do I love Tom? He was never naturally crazy, he's become that way from someone else... But he always avoids the conversation on the kidnapper.. he.. protects that man. He protects the man that changed him...

"Do you think I've been brainwashed too Tord?"

Oh my God... He doesn't even know he's changed! Why didn't I catch that before?! But.. there's some things he's changed that I like...

"You have a beautiful singing voice,"
"What can I do to make it up to you? I'll do anything, and I mean anything!"
"Now how about you just take over me already Red Leader~"

I can feel my heart beating fast just from remembering all those memories, they seem only like yesterday... Maybe... Maybe I do?.. Maybe I do love him?...

I think.. I think I do.. Now everything makes sense.. Why I was never able to say no to him being sexual and why for so many nights I actually thought about taking his crazy offer... and why I always questioned if he actually loved me whenever we would act like lovers...

But the craziest thing about him isn't the fact he knows everything that no one wants him to know and the wacky slavery thoughts he thinks I would be willing to be apart of, no, that's not it at all.

What's craziest about him.. is that he can hide under such a happy and confident and flirtatious shell while on the inside he is truly sensitive and confused and deeply saddened.. if only he would show that side to me...

I look down and gently smile as the blush on my face increases, Christine then smiles and says, "I'll take that as a yes."

"Should I... Should I tell him?" I ask as I look up at Christine.

"No shit Sherlock! Tell him tonight! Tell him while everyone else is sleeping, just in case no one eavesdrops,"

I look down again and laugh at bit before saying, "Christine you're the best!" I then look back up at her and hug her tightly, she hugs back just as tight.

"Glad I could be of help,"

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