A Brother to Care For

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A three year old vampire with black hair, barefoot and dirty, staggered down the deserted, erie road in his pajamas, and with a thumb in his mouth. In the dark he walked, past all the blood and carnage caused by the humans, his friends and loved ones mutilated beyond recognition, but not yet burned since it hadn't even been half a day since their deaths. Luffy had been saved by his mother and hidden in the laundry shoot as the violent mob attacked their quaint village, home to kind vampires who had hurt no one. When the screaming stopped, he was able to push the lid up and tumble out of the chute onto the wooden floors, slippery with fresh blood.

Usually Luffy would like the smell of blood.

He didn't know why yet, he was so young, but he knew it smelled good and like home, but this blood didn't smell good, it was horrible and rancid. Vampire blood was not the most enjoyable blood in the world, but it was better than werewolf blood. Vampires and werewolves generally didn't get along well, that was known very well, but both were equally feared and despised by humans; this prejudice made them an easy target for false allegations . A human could get away with murder if he said all the right things to make people blame an islander.

Luffy toddled down the street, crying like the child he was-- not knowing his family was dead, but being scared and alone. He didn't know where he was supposed to go, so he followed the dirt road; hopefully leading to somewhere much safer and less bloody than here, leaving small bloody footprints as he walked.

Elsewhere, an eight year old werewolf pup with green fur ran down the path into the woods. He was followed by the human mob that had gone around the island, massacring anyone and anything non-human.

The world had once been full of mythical and magical creatures, but the disease of mankind was steadily erasing them out of fear and contempt. Sure, "monsters"-- as non-humans were dubbed-- could be scary, but humans were the most terrifying of all. This island was one of the last homes for the mythical creatures. However it was no longer a refuge, as the humans began their mission to exterminate the four races of creatures living on it. They were all being exterminated equally, the water folk and fairies were peaceful and couldn't fight as well, being brought down easily, while the vampires and werewolves, peaceful or not, put up a fight, causing many casualties for the human side.

The green pup, Zoro, was lucky enough to be trained in how to control his shifting, so he ran as fast as his four legs could take him, to somewhere other than what remained of his home, bathed in flames.

Once Luffy was far enough away to not be able to smell the blood anymore, he sat down against a tree and hid his head in his hat, the last thing his father had given him before he'd gone to defend his wife and child. Luffy tried to quiet his sobs-- he didn't want anything finding him on this road. He didn't expect the mob of humans to come back, but he was still scared by the silence accompanying the deserted road.

His uncle Roger had been telling his family the other day after dinner that there had been attacks on the fairy and waterfolk villages and towns, and that the werewolf areas on the island would most likely be attacked soon. He was sure that the vampires would follow after the werewolves and that everyone should run. Some people who heard the story believed that the vampires could defend themselves, but against all the weapons and the sheer might of the humans, why did they even consider staying? The vampires should have deserted their homes and fled, but most didn't, and those that did flee were either caught on their way out, or hunted down and killed. The humans were very efficient.

The vampire waited. He didn't know for what, but the day was starting soon and he was too young to understand why it would be disastrous for him to be caught in the sunlight. His parents had protected him from the sunlight for his whole short life. He had never been close to even seeing the sun, let alone walk under it.

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