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The Marauders were sitting there waiting for Cassie and this time so was Ted.

"Little Tonks! Over here." Sirius shouted as Cassie walked back into the almost white clouds like she did last time.

"Did you think it over?" James asked her and she had honestly completely forgotten all about it.

"I'll do it." She told them, "I'll help." Everyone looked at Ted as Cassie's eyes seemed to be locked on him.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" Cassie had one thing on her mind since Rosalie's betrayal, why? Why attack us?

"Rosalie..." Cassie started and looked towards Regulus and then back at her father and back at Regulus.

"Why?" Everyone in the room knew the answer but no one wanted to say anything. Sirius could tell that she was getting angry.

"I'm helping you all out so just answer me this one!" Cassie shouted at all of them that seemed to be frozen, the ghostly figures seemed to slowly disappear as she looked back to her father and he mouthed 'I'm sorry,' before she was back in her room.

She woke up to Fred next to her, and she was pissed off. She shook Fred awake and grabbed her wand.

"Cassie, honey, What?" Fred asked trying to sound sweet but he wasn't fond of being woken up.

"I'm going back to the apartment, there's something I need to get."

"Cassie we were attacked there, we aren't going back." Cassie stood up to get her shoes on and grabbed her coat quickly.

"No, Fred. We have to go back. I think I just figured something out." Now, Cassie had been through a lot these last couple of months and she was worried that if she told Fred what was actually happening whenever she fell asleep he'd think that the stress was getting to her.

And, maybe it was and this was how she delt with it and this was how she was coping after so many deaths but she couldn't help but think, Why did Rosalie come to the apartment? Why would she attack the house when she knew everything was closed, what did she want and why was she so angry?

Why did she betray her friends and her family?

Because they weren't. They weren't her family and she found out who was.

Cassie was grabbing all her things into her back and Fred had no idea what was happening.

"She tried to kill you! Why do you want to go back there?" Fred tried to get her to stay as the other people in the house were waking up now because of all the movement and shouting.

"Think about it! Why would she attack us? What could she want?!" Cassie shouted at him as everyone was now downstairs with the two.

"Because she's an idiot!" Fred shouted back at her trying to unpack her bag.

"What is going on?!" Molly shouted as she turned all her lights on and Cassie walked up to her.

"You knew didn't you?" Cassie confronted her.

"Cassie, Mum knows nothing! This is crazy." Fred tried to talk her out of whatever spiral she was going through.

"What's going on?" George asked as him and Angie came down the stairs.

"How old am I, Molly?" Molly Wesley began to cry and Cassiopeia knew her answer.

"Tell them! How old am I?"

"Cassie you are 20." Fred told her and Cassiopeia shook her head. "But that's not true, is it Molly?" Cassie waited for her to answer but she knew damn well why Molly was crying, she knew damn well why Rosalie had been kept in that dungeon with wormtail of all people and she knew damn well why Rosalie betrayed everything she knew.

Because it was all a lie.

"We didn't know what to do!" Molly shouted in tears.

"So you let all those terrible things happen to Rosalie?! What if that was me?! You let her have her years taken away from her because you didn't know what to do? How dare you?! How dare you." Molly had never looked so small in Cassie's eyes.

"Mum?" Fred asked as he realised his mother was in the wrong some how.

"We wanted to protect both babies.. but we lost one and, and you got separated." Molly tired to defend herself, "So you let me believe I was a Tonks." Cassie told her angrily.

The room was thick, the tension was insane, Cassiopiea had never been angry at Molly Weasley before in her life, but she couldn't see the woman in front of her how she did her whole life.

She couldn't understand why she never had that connection with Andromeda the way Nymphadora did, she could never understand why she always felt the odd one out.

She remembered the story that Sirius had told her about his brother, and about Elara. He wanted her to figure it out and now she has.

Everyone in the order knew, everyone but her and Rosalie.


ohhh shittttt
Shit just went downnn



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