Kenma's Invitation

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Kenma hadn't left his apartment in 4 days, favoring staying inside to play video games, watch Youtube, or just to be away from people in general. His roommate Kuroo, on the other hand, was almost never home. Going to clubs, parties, hanging out with friends, volunteering. Those were his thing.

 Kenma's thing was staying home and doing nothing.

 He did stream yesterday, which brought him enough money to feed himself for the rest of the week, but he didn't actually need to interact with anyone while he did that. 

He thought for a moment, I wonder what Kuroo's doing.. meh he'll be back eventually. He got up from the couch and paused his game. Walking to the fridge, Kenma looked at the few decorations on the walls, mostly posters from bands that Kuroo and him like and video games he played. As he exited his room, he ventures into the unknown territory of the rest of their apartment. 

The fridge is opened and looked into. Kenma finds himself a snack and soda and starts heading back to his cave of solitude, not before hearing the door open up and a voice shouting, "Kenma! I'm back!"

"You're here earlier than usual, it's only," Kenma pulls his phone out of his back pocket to check the time, "22:30? Oh, well you're not early." His phone retreats back  into his pocket and the pudding-haired man looks outside the window while his roommate speaks. "Yeah, I was out buying some groceries but got distracted." Kuroo walked towards the kitchen, a few bags in hand filled with food and necessaries. The taller man set down the bags and ruffled Kenma's hair, the younger giving him a death glare.

Once the groceries were all put away, the two decided to head to Kenma's room to play some games and chat before bed. "So I have some good news. Well, if you consider it good news," Kuroo says, "You've been invited to pa-"

"nope." Kenma instantly says, not looking away from the TV. "What? Why not?" Kuroo questions. Kenma gives his reasoning, "I don't feel like it." Kuroo looks at him with a piercing stare, which Kenma feels on the back of his head. He turns around to look at the messy haired man who continues to speak, "You never feel like it. I have a feeling you should go. Just this once then I won't ask you agai- well I will but you get the point!" Kenma glares back at him. Kuroo attempts to make puppy dog eyes, which gets a snort out of Kenma.

"Fine, but I won't enjoy it. And don't make that face again, it's scary." Kenma says, half joking. Kuroo stands up and does a little victory dance before pulling out his phone happily to send him the details. He sits down and scrambles to message the information to him.

RSVP: 1473205402

ADDRESS: 3935 Swyning Way

DATE: Saturday, 18:00 at earliest, go home WHENEVER!


Well, I guess I have plans this weekend..

Heeeyyy I'm actually really excited to continue this, if you have any suggestions for background ships, things they do, or anything like that just comment your idea, I'm down to put almost anything in! :DDD

✌🏼Peace out dudes ✌🏼

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