Mall Trip (and fall)

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Holy crap dudes, I didn't think this would get over 100 views much less 200, that's so cool! Thanks for reading! 

"Suddenly, a thump into him grabbed his attention. Kenma tried to balance but failed, a few bags laid on the ground, some he didn't recognize as his own. He looked up to see an orange-haired male rubbing his head, a few mumbled words coming from him. The crow made eye contact with the cat, a sparkle seeming to form in his eyes as he tried to pull his gaze away."

That was strange.. Did I get that orange guy's name? Was it Kageyara or something?

He didn't remember at the moment, all Kenma was thinking was that this guy made him lose Kuroo entirely. He walked around, trying to retrace his steps, if only he paid attention when they were walking from store to store. There was one place recognized, unfortunately. He sighed and slouched a little more, speeding up his walk to try and avoid the place as best he could. When he finally passed it, Kenma began to relax, looking into a bag in his hand to examine the clothes he had bought. Y'know, maybe this party won't be so bad.

"KeEeEenNnnNNnnmaAAaA!!! OVEr HEeEErrREE!!" The pudding head got startled as he looked over to see Bokuto in the food court, he was on the other side of the mall, a small bridge-like path connecting the two sides. Kenma nonchalantly walked over to the group seeing Kuroo and Akaashi having some quiet conversation.

Kuroo walked up to Kenma and spoke with a trace of worry, "Heeeyyy, sorry about leaving you behind. Did everything end up okay? You were gone for quite a while." Kenma looked up at Kuroo and then back down at his phone, "I was fine, nothing really happened." Kuroo seemed to perk up, usually when 'nothing really happens', something happened. Kuroo will get him to tell the story but for now, food.

The group had decided before Kenma arrived that they wouldn't eat until he got back and they were complete. So everyone went to go grab their food. (Headcanon what you think they would get)

As Kenma was waiting in line, his mind wandered back to earlier. Something about those eyes, they really dragged Kenma in for no reason. He wasn't the type to stay stuck on something like this, so it was unusual for him. That was until he got a notification from Instagram and almost completely abandoned about what he was thinking about.

"Thank you." Kenma paid, grabbing some napkins and walking to the table, where only Bokuto sat. "So, how's it going? Excited for the party this weekend?" He was surprisingly calmer than usual, "I know I am, I feel like we're all gonna have a great time there!"

"Yeah, me too." Kenma replied back before starting to eat. "Anyways, what'd you buy?" He had only eaten one bite before asking the younger. "Awmjwussfuemshufwikclofes." Bokuto looked confused for a second. Kenma swallowed his food and repeated, "I said, just some stuff. Clothes, accessories, stuff I can wear." Bokuto's face lit up for a moment, did Kenma really care that much about this party that he spent his own money on clothing?? Surely Kuroo was behind this. He thought to himself.

Conveniently, the man himself sat down next to the silver-haired other. "Heeyy, what're you two talking about?" Kuroo asked. "I was just asking Kenma what he bought," Bokuto grabbed Kuroo's sleeve and whispered into his ear, "What did you do to Kenma to make him spend his own money on something like clothes?" Kuroo laughed and Bokuto, "I don't know man, he seems excited to go." They both look at Kenma, who is staring at his phone with a complete poker face. "Oh my god he does!" Bokuto exclaims like a proud mother.

Kenma blows a strand of hair out of his face while he listens to the owl and cat's discussion. Tsukishima and Akaashi walk to the table, both also seeming deep in conversation. Kenma continued to look at his phone. He hears his name being called by Kuroo, "Kenma, do you want to contribute to any of the conversations?" They watched as Kenma shook his head no. "But you look like you wanna say something, spill it." Kuroo smirked, leaning over to the kitten.

Kenma huffed, but then continued, "Nothing special, I just bumped into someone. You know those stupid romance animes where one of the people accidentally fall on top of the other person?" Kuroo nodded, as well as Bokuto, "Well, yeah that just happened a bit ago." Kuroo and Bo gasped dramatically, putting a hand over their mouths. Kenma spoke again, "We talked for a bit after that I guess, only a little conversation before his friend called him over."

"Did you get his name?" Akaashi butted in. The kitten thought for a moment, trying to recall his name. "Mmm, no. But I heard a name like Kageyara or something. I don't know if that was his name or his friend's name though." Kenma slightly pouted his face, "Why is this so important? I don't even get why this matters." He was right, it didn't really matter, but hearing Kenma talk about something for more than 10 seconds was rare.

The short man was back on his phone and knowing him, he wouldn't say anything else about the situation, so the group didn't dwell.

------------ Time Skip ------------

After heading to a few more stores for some last minute things, the 5 men all were ready to head back. Kenma, Tsukishima and Kuroo all had classes to go to soon.

Kuroo drove the rest to their home bases, tapping the wheel to the beat of the soft music. Kenma was taking a nap in the back seat, with Tsukki on his phone on one side of him and Akaashi, who was staring out of the window, on the other. Bokuto insisted on riding shotgun, but the pudding head didn't mind.

Kenma was woken up by Kuroo trying to pick him up out of the car and his string of cursing. Kenma looked up at him and blinked, as did Kuroo. The cat set down the kitten and just chuckled, "Sorry, we've had a busy day today and I wanted to let you rest." Kenma spoke sleepily, "It's fine Kuroo, you can wake me up. I'll take the stuff inside, okay?"

"Alright dude." He said before heading to the door to unlock it. Meanwhile, Kenma overestimated how strong he was and underestimated the amount of shit they bought. He eventually got all of the bags and made his way to their apartment.

He dropped everything in the living room to look at the stuff, grabbing his bags to put them in his room. He looked in the bags, debating whether or not to try some of them on before he put them away. Kenma thought, sure, why not?

He swapped his lazy outfit for a more party worthy shirt and skinny jeans. He spun around in front of his mirror, he looked.. decent. He felt a bit of happiness and anxiety well up, but a bland face was still present. He looked over at the clothes and put on some of the silicone bracelets he got. He looked at the mirror again and struck a very out of character pose before cringing and going back to a slouch stand. He rolled his shoulders to straighten his posture before changing his outfit.

This time he was wearing some black leggings with a blue/white flannel around his waist and a random, gray band shirt. Hmm, eh it looks fine.

He tried on a few more combinations before looking at his phone. Shit, it's 5. I have a class in half an hour. So Kenma took off the clothes and put on his regular outfit, hanging up the shirts and folding the pants and skirt, a purchase he made on a whim without thinking. He headed out the door, not without saying a quick "Bye, Kuro." eliciting a "see ya Ken."

Sorry, this chapter seems kinda boring. I love writing this story but I didn't have any motivation. 

Question: Should I make the next chapter in Hinata's POV? I feel like that'd be fun. If not I'll just keep it in 3rd person Kenma, which I'm fine with also :D ) If anyone has suggestions that haven't been implemented in yet, people comment below and I will most likely put it in.


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